1997-11-15 00:04:24 +00:00

95 lines
2.5 KiB

*** Makefile.old Wed Apr 15 02:57:58 1992
--- Makefile Sat Dec 31 20:36:07 1994
*** 32,45 ****
OPT = -O
# For MWC 3.0 on the Atari ST, use:
# GNU's gcc is very nice, if you've got it. Otherwise just cc.
#CC = cgcc -mshort
! CC = cc
# tmclock is only needed on Unix systems...
! TMCLOCK = tmclock.o
# Files needed for System V
#SYSVOBJ = getwd.o rename.o scandir.o utimes.o
--- 32,46 ----
OPT = -O
# For MWC 3.0 on the Atari ST, use:
# GNU's gcc is very nice, if you've got it. Otherwise just cc.
#CC = cgcc -mshort
! #CC = cc
# tmclock is only needed on Unix systems...
! TMCLOCK = #tmclock.o
# Files needed for System V
#SYSVOBJ = getwd.o rename.o scandir.o utimes.o
*** 61,66 ****
--- 62,71 ----
-rm *.o arc$(PROG) marc$(PROG)
+ install:
+ install -cs -o bin -g bin arc marc ${PREFIX}/bin
+ install -c -o bin -g bin arc.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1
arc.o: $(SRCDIR)arc.c $(HEADER)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(SRCDIR)arc.c
*** arcdos.c.old Wed Apr 15 02:58:21 1992
--- arcdos.c Sat Dec 31 20:32:25 1994
*** 173,186 ****
--- 173,192 ----
struct tm tm;
struct timeval tvp[2];
int utimes();
+ #if !defined(__FreeSBD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
long tmclock();
+ #endif
tm.tm_sec = (time & 31) * 2;
tm.tm_min = (time >> 5) & 63;
tm.tm_hour = (time >> 11);
tm.tm_mday = date & 31;
tm.tm_mon = ((date >> 5) & 15) - 1;
tm.tm_year = (date >> 9) + 80;
+ #if !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__)
tvp[0].tv_sec = tmclock(&tm);
+ #else
+ tvp[0].tv_sec = timelocal(&tm);
+ #endif
tvp[1].tv_sec = tvp[0].tv_sec;
tvp[0].tv_usec = tvp[1].tv_usec = 0;
utimes(f, tvp);
*** marc.c.old Wed Apr 15 02:59:21 1992
--- marc.c Sat Dec 31 20:40:30 1994
*** 35,40 ****
--- 35,41 ----
VOID arcdie();
static VOID expandlst(), merge();
+ char *makefnam(); /* filename fixup routine */
FILE *src; /* source archive */
char srcname[STRLEN]; /* source archive name */
*** 47,53 ****
int nargs; /* number of arguments */
char *arg[]; /* pointers to arguments */
- char *makefnam(); /* filename fixup routine */
char *envfind();
#if !_MTS
char *arctemp2, *mktemp(); /* temp file stuff */
--- 48,53 ----