schwarze 76bb801b7e Minimally fix up the manual pages, which are equally broken with groff
and mandoc, such that they become readable.  Sending patches upstream
is probably pointless because todd@ tells me the last upstream commit
was in 2015.  But as long as we keep the port alive, we should provide
readable manuals.  Discussed with todd@ (MAINTAINER).

While here, also fix the HOMEPAGE as recommended by todd@.
2018-09-01 10:08:40 +00:00

58 lines
1.5 KiB

$OpenBSD: patch-man_dspam_clean_1,v 1.1 2018/09/01 10:08:40 schwarze Exp $
Index: man/dspam_clean.1
--- man/dspam_clean.1.orig
+++ man/dspam_clean.1
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ dspam_clean \- perform periodic maintenance of metadat
.B dspam_clean
-.B \--profile\c
+.BI \--profile= PROFILE\c
.I \-s[signature_life]\fR\c
@@ -54,20 +53,20 @@ and
.ne 3
-.BI \ \--profile= \PROFILE\c
+.BI \--profile= PROFILE
Specify a storage profile from dspam.conf. The storage profile selected will be used
for all database connectivity. See dspam.conf for more information.
.ne 3
-.BI \-s\fR\c
+.B \-s
Performs stale signature purging. If a value is specified, the default value of
14 days will be overridden. Specifying an age of 0 will delete all signatures
from the user(s) processed.
.ne 3
-.BI \-p\fR\c
+.B \-p
Deletes all tokens from the target user(s) database whose probability is
between 0.35 and 0.65 (fairly neutral, useless data). If a value is
specified, the default life of 30 days will be overridden. It's a good idea
@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ of corpus training.
.ne 3
-.BI \-u\fR\c
+.BI \-u
Deletes all unused tokens from a user's dataset. Four different life values
are used:
@@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ will delete all unused tokens in the category.
.ne 3
-.BI \ user1\ user2\ ...\ userN\fR\c
+.I user1 user2 ... userN
Specify the username(s) to perform the selected maintenance operations on. If
no username is specified, all users are processed.