jca c8c2d1510d Import softhsm-1.3.7, ok sthen@
Work done by Patrick Lundin (maintainer), p11-kit tweaks by sthen@.

SoftHSM is an implementation of a cryptographic store accessible through a
PKCS#11 interface, using Botan for its cryptographic operations. You can use
it to explore PKCS#11 without having a Hardware Security Module.
2015-06-23 11:26:05 +00:00

3 lines
114 B

SHA256 (softhsm-1.3.7.tar.gz) = 0S1kVqhVYSZtnaQnVl8+43RqNd9mcNXmvnXeJTwoEKQ=
SIZE (softhsm-1.3.7.tar.gz) = 438437