2000-02-27 22:57:32 +00:00

229 lines
6.2 KiB

Gets rid of the extraneous documentation that we don't need/want.
--- ctm/ctm_rmail/ctm_rmail.1.orig2 Mon Feb 28 07:32:22 2000
+++ ctm/ctm_rmail/ctm_rmail.1 Mon Feb 28 07:32:49 2000
@@ -6,27 +6,12 @@
.\" Author: Stephen McKay
.Dd January 24, 1995
-.Nm ctm_smail ,
-.Nm ctm_dequeue ,
.Nm ctm_rmail
-.Nd send and receive
-.Xr ctm 1
-deltas via mail
+.Nd send and receive ctm deltas via mail
-.Nm ctm_smail
-.Op Fl l Ar log
-.Op Fl m Ar maxmsgsize
-.Op Fl c Ar maxctmsize
-.Op Fl q Ar queue-dir
-.Ar ctm-delta
-.Ar mail-alias
-.Nm ctm_dequeue
-.Op Fl l Ar log
-.Op Fl n Ar numchunks
-.Ar queue-dir
.Nm ctm_rmail
.Op Fl Dfuv
.Op Fl l Ar log
@@ -35,104 +20,13 @@
.Op Fl b Ar basedir
.Op Ar
-In conjunction with the
-.Xr ctm 1
-.Nm ctm_smail ,
-.Nm ctm_dequeue
-.Nm ctm_rmail
-are used to distribute changes to a source tree via email.
-.Nm ctm_smail
-is given a compressed
-.Xr ctm
-delta, and a mailing list to send it to. It splits the delta into manageable
-pieces, encodes them as mail messages and sends them to the mailing list
-(optionally queued to spread the mail load).
-Each recipient uses
.Nm ctm_rmail
+program is used
(either manually or automatically) to decode and reassemble the delta, and
optionally call
.Xr ctm
to apply it to the source tree.
-At the moment,
-several source trees are distributed, and by several sites. These include
-the FreeBSD-current source and CVS trees, distributed by
-.Li freefall.FreeBSD.org .
-Command line arguments for
-.Nm ctm_smail :
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Fl l Ar log
-Instead of appearing on
-.Em stderr ,
-error diagnostics and informational messages (other than command line errors)
-are time stamped and written to the file
-.Em log .
-.It Fl m Ar maxmsgsize
-Limit the maximum size mail message that
-.Nm ctm_smail
-is allowed to send. It is approximate since mail headers and other niceties
-are not counted in this limit. If not specified, it will default to 64000
-bytes, leaving room for 1535 bytes of headers before the rumoured 64k mail
-.It Fl c Ar maxctmsize
-Limit the maximum size delta that will be sent. Deltas bigger that this
-limit will cause an apology mail message to be sent to the mailing list.
-This is to prevent massive changes overwhelming users' mail boxes. Note that
-this is the size before encoding. Encoding causes a 4/3 size increase before
-mail headers are added. If not specified, there is no limit.
-.It Fl q Ar queue-dir
-Instead of mailing the delta pieces now, store them in the given directory
-to be mailed later using
-.Nm ctm_dequeue .
-This feature allows the mailing of large deltas to be spread out over
-hours or even days to limit the impact on recipients with limited network
-bandwidth or small mail spool areas.
-.Ar ctm-delta
-is the delta to be sent, and
-.Ar mail-alias
-is the mailing list to send the delta to.
-The mail messages are sent using
-.Xr sendmail 8 .
-Command line arguments for
-.Nm ctm_dequeue :
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Fl l Ar log
-Instead of appearing on
-.Em stderr ,
-error diagnostics and informational messages (other than command line errors)
-are time stamped and written to the file
-.Em log .
-.It Fl n Ar numchunks
-Limit the number of mail messages that
-.Nm ctm_dequeue
-will send per run. By default,
-.Nm ctm_dequeue
-will send one mail message per run.
-.Ar queuedir
-is the directory containing the mail messages stored by
-.Nm ctm_smail .
-Up to
-.Ar numchunks
-mail messages will be sent in each run. The recipient mailing list is already
-encoded in the queued files.
-It is safe to run
-.Nm ctm_dequeue
-.Nm ctm_smail
-is adding entries to the queue, or even to run
-.Nm ctm_smail
-multiple times concurrently, but a separate queue directory should be used
-for each tree being distributed. This is because entries are served in
-alphabetical order, and one tree will be unfairly serviced before any others,
-based on the delta names, not delta creation times.
Command line arguments for
.Nm ctm_rmail :
@@ -272,19 +166,8 @@
You are then on your own!
-To send delta 32 of
-.Em src-cur
-to a group of wonderful code hackers known to
-.Xr sendmail
-.Em src-guys ,
-limiting the mail size to roughly 60000 bytes, you could use:
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-.Ic ctm_smail -m 60000 /wherever/it/is/src-cur.0032.gz src-guys
To decode every
-.Nm ctm-mail
+.Xr ctm 1
message in your mailbox, assemble them into complete deltas, then apply
any deltas built or lying around, you could use:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
@@ -359,7 +242,7 @@
which allows
.Nm ctm_rmail
to execute
-.Xr ctm
+.Xr ctm 1
on the (non-OpenBSD) machine that this example was taken from.
If you automatically take your mail and pass it to a file tree patcher, you
@@ -409,11 +292,8 @@
.\" This next request is for sections 1, 6, 7 & 8 only
.\" (command return values (to shell) and fprintf/stderr type diagnostics)
-.Nm ctm_smail ,
-.Nm ctm_dequeue
.Nm ctm_rmail
-return exit status 0 for success, and 1 for various failures.
+returns exit status 0 for success, and 1 for various failures.
.Nm ctm_rmail
is expected to be called from a mail transfer program, and thus signals
failure only when the input mail message should be bounced (preferably into
@@ -424,24 +304,6 @@
.Nm ctm_rmail
returns an exit status of 0.
-In normal operation,
-.Nm ctm_smail
-will report messages like:
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-ctm_smail: src-cur.0250.gz 1/2 sent to src-guys
-or, if queueing,
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-ctm_smail: src-cur.0250.gz 1/2 queued for src-guys
-.Nm ctm_dequeue
-will report messages like:
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-ctm_dequeue: src-cur.0250.gz 1/2 sent
.Nm ctm_rmail
will report messages like:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
@@ -470,6 +332,8 @@
.Xr ctm 1 ,
.Xr ctm 5
+.Pa "http://www.openbsd.org/ctm.html"
--- ctm/ctm_rmail/Makefile.orig2 Mon Feb 28 07:33:51 2000
+++ ctm/ctm_rmail/Makefile Mon Feb 28 07:34:01 2000
@@ -4,6 +4,5 @@
PROG= ctm_rmail
SRCS= ctm_rmail.c error.c
CFLAGS+= -Wall
-MLINKS+= ctm_rmail.1 ctm_smail.1
.include <bsd.prog.mk>