73 lines
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73 lines
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# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.63 2015/04/29 17:09:11 ajacoutot Exp $
COMMENT= base elements for GStreamer
V= 0.10.36
DISTNAME= gst-plugins-base-${V}
PKGNAME= gstreamer-plugins-base-${V}
SHARED_LIBS += gstinterfaces-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gsttag-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstfft-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstnetbuffer-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstpbutils-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstrtp-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstsdp-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstvideo-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstapp-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstaudio-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstcdda-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstriff-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
SHARED_LIBS += gstrtsp-0.10 2.6 # .25.0
WANTLIB += ICE SM X11 Xext Xrender Xv c cairo cdda_interface
WANTLIB += cdda_paranoia expat ffi fontconfig freetype gio-2.0 glib-2.0
WANTLIB += gmodule-2.0 gobject-2.0 graphite2 gstbase-0.10
WANTLIB += gstcontroller-0.10 gstdataprotocol-0.10 gstreamer-0.10
WANTLIB += gthread-2.0 harfbuzz lzma m ogg orc-0.4 orc-test-0.4
WANTLIB += pango-1.0 pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 pcre pixman-1 png
WANTLIB += pthread pthread-stubs theoradec theoraenc vorbis vorbisenc
WANTLIB += vorbisidec xcb xcb-render xcb-shm xml2 z
MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GST:=gst-plugins-base/}
BUILD_DEPENDS= devel/iso-codes
RUN_DEPENDS= devel/iso-codes
# needed for ${WRKSRC}/tests/
BUILD_DEPENDS += x11/gtk+3
LIB_DEPENDS= ${P}/core \
audio/cdparanoia \
audio/libvorbis \
audio/tremor \
devel/orc \
devel/pango \
# needed for the gio plugin
RUN_DEPENDS += x11/gnome/gvfs
# XXX libvisual needs to be ported
CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-libvisual \
perl -pi -e 's,/dev/cdrom1,/dev/rcd1c,g' \
perl -pi -e 's,/dev/cdrom,/dev/rcd0c,g' \
${WRKSRC}/docs/plugins/gst-plugins-base-plugins.args \
${WRKSRC}/ext/cdparanoia/gstcdparanoiasrc.c \
${WRKSRC}/gst-libs/gst/cdda/gstcddabasesrc.c \
# https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=726571
# XXX check if still needed at next release
.for i in pbutils audio app video fft cdda rtsp sdp riff tag interfaces rtp netbuffer
perl -pi -e 's,--libtool="\$$\(top_builddir\)/libtool",--libtool="\$${LIBTOOL}",g' \
.include <bsd.port.mk>