As a consequence, explicitely disable the FAM backend. This bring a huge improvement compared to what we've been using before (gio-fam+gamin): file / directory monitoring and notifications are next to instantaneous without any cpu overhead like it was before. This means we can also drop the bootstrap FLAVOR of gamin that was needed because of the cyclic dependency (gamin->glib2->gamin).
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$OpenBSD: README-main,v 1.1 2012/01/01 09:00:46 ajacoutot Exp $
| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD
File and directory monitor
GLib (GFileMonitor) provides realtime kqueue(2) notifications and
monitoring up to the open file descriptors limit.
If gio-kqueue needs to handle large directories, the kern.maxfiles
sysctl(8) should be increased by adding an entry in sysctl.conf(5) and
the user's login(1) class modified accordingly by bumping the "cur" and
"max" "openfiles" limit in login.conf(5).