This is a major update and configuration files are not compatible. A conversion script is included and installed in ${PREFIX}/share/examples/exim4/convert4r4 New co-maintainer and much of the inital work done by Ilya Voronin. A decision was made to include the semi-official exiscan patch in the default installation, as most admins appear to use this. It is hoped that is will become part of the core exim4 code "soon". This port now creates an _exim user and group if they don't already exist. Work and testing by Ilya Voronin, Richard Welty, Axel Rau and others who I can't now find in my mailbox. Apologies if I left you out.
7 lines
415 B
7 lines
415 B
MD5 (exim-4.41.tar.gz) = a301e711d26e0e1849a839497008234d
MD5 (exiscan-acl-4.41-24.patch) = 6cdc86a7700d6b83a2bfb227e51805e1
RMD160 (exim-4.41.tar.gz) = 7353a794ef0a443d52362ee11bb43221b3edf06f
RMD160 (exiscan-acl-4.41-24.patch) = 4cf67d67ea9544aedd51c02178dd5933edfde539
SHA1 (exim-4.41.tar.gz) = 5771b1dbf5766c5a1a013ce4d1ba2accd8e94671
SHA1 (exiscan-acl-4.41-24.patch) = c85531f9d4a4ef9323ef34d5e840f02beed5d65b