Gsimplecal is a lightweight calendar applet written in C++ using GTK. It was originally made for use with tint2 panel in the openbox window manager (to be launched upon clock click), but of course it works in any environment (just bind gsimplecal to some hotkey). For easier integration, when started it first shows up, when launched again it closes the running instance (no need to write wrapper scripts or whatever). It can be configured to not only show the calendar, but also display multiple clocks for different world timezones Submission from Alessandro De Laurenzis, thanks! Tweaks and OK sthen@
3 lines
115 B
3 lines
115 B
SHA256 (gsimplecal-2.1.tar.gz) = ZgysczPTUHIDoAjhQuK49d/PBzW2zKvdjT2QK10sQOk=
SIZE (gsimplecal-2.1.tar.gz) = 14133