$OpenBSD: README,v 2011/09/20 11:36:55 landry Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

BackupPC is now installed, and sample configuration files were created in
${SYSCONFDIR}/backuppc/config.pl and ${SYSCONFDIR}/backuppc/hosts

Basic configuration

You need to add hosts to backup to the 'hosts' file, and at least set
XferMethod and CgiURL configuration directives in config.pl. If you want
to configure BackupPC through the webinterface, you should also set the
CgiAdminUsers configuration directive, and configure httpd to
authenticate the corresponding users using plain httpd auth mechanism.

Refer to http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/faq/BackupPC.html for detailed
informations. If you want to backup Windows clients, you should install
net/samba package, and if you want to use rsync method you should install
net/rsync and devel/p5-File-RsyncP packages. By default if you want to use
either rsync or tar, BackupPC assumes that you've setupped root access
to remote hosts using ssh keys without passphrases.

BackupPC_Admin configuration

To enable BackupPC_Admin web interface within httpd once wwbackuppc.fcgi
has been spawned, please create a symbolic link like this:

# ln -s /var/www/conf/modules.sample/backuppc.conf \
# /etc/rc.d/httpd restart

BackupPC_Admin should be available at http://domain.tld/BackupPC_Admin/