61 lines
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61 lines
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$OpenBSD: patch-src_tiffcodec_c,v 1.1 2010/08/24 09:49:35 jasper Exp $
Security fix for SA40792/CVE-2010-1526:
Mono libgdiplus Image Processing Integer Overflow Vulnerabilities
Patch from upstream git:
--- src/tiffcodec.c.orig Tue Aug 24 11:41:58 2010
+++ src/tiffcodec.c Tue Aug 24 11:46:05 2010
@@ -1104,6 +1104,8 @@ gdip_load_tiff_image (TIFF *tiff, GpImage **image)
frame = gdip_frame_add(result, &gdip_image_frameDimension_page_guid);
for (page = 0; page < num_of_pages; page++) {
+ unsigned long long int size;
bitmap_data = gdip_frame_add_bitmapdata(frame);
if (bitmap_data == NULL) {
goto error;
@@ -1139,14 +1141,25 @@ gdip_load_tiff_image (TIFF *tiff, GpImage **image)
bitmap_data->image_flags |= ImageFlagsHasRealDPI;
- bitmap_data->stride = tiff_image.width * 4;
+ /* width and height are uint32, but TIFF uses 32 bits offsets (so it's real size limit is 4GB),
+ * however libtiff uses signed int (int32 not uint32) as offsets so we limit ourselves to 2GB */
+ size = tiff_image.width;
+ /* stride is a (signed) _int_ and once multiplied by 4 it should hold a value that can be allocated by GdipAlloc
+ * this effectively limits 'width' to 536870911 pixels */
+ size *= sizeof (guint32);
+ if (size > G_MAXINT32)
+ goto error;
+ bitmap_data->stride = size;
bitmap_data->width = tiff_image.width;
bitmap_data->height = tiff_image.height;
bitmap_data->reserved = GBD_OWN_SCAN0;
bitmap_data->image_flags |= ImageFlagsColorSpaceRGB | ImageFlagsHasRealPixelSize | ImageFlagsReadOnly;
- num_of_pixels = tiff_image.width * tiff_image.height;
- pixbuf = GdipAlloc(num_of_pixels * sizeof(guint32));
+ /* ensure total 'size' does not overflow an integer and fits inside our 2GB limit */
+ size *= tiff_image.height;
+ if (size > G_MAXINT32)
+ goto error;
+ pixbuf = GdipAlloc (size);
if (pixbuf == NULL) {
goto error;
@@ -1168,9 +1181,9 @@ gdip_load_tiff_image (TIFF *tiff, GpImage **image)
memcpy(pixbuf + (bitmap_data->stride * (tiff_image.height - i - 1)), pixbuf_row, bitmap_data->stride);
- /* Now flip from ARGB to ABGR */
+ /* Now flip from ARGB to ABGR processing one pixel (4 bytes) at the time */
pixbuf_ptr = (guint32 *)pixbuf;
- for (i = 0; i < num_of_pixels; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < (size >> 2); i++) {
*pixbuf_ptr = (*pixbuf_ptr & 0xff000000) |
((*pixbuf_ptr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) |
(*pixbuf_ptr & 0x0000ff00) |