a new libmysqlclient non-blocking API which utilizes co-routines. The X86 specific GCC ASM co-routine support hid the fact that there was an issue. The only fallback code so far is POSIX user contexts which OpenBSD does not support. Input from and Ok sthen@ jasper@
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# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2013/06/12 20:36:33 brad Exp $
COMMENT = streaming audio server for Squeezebox network music players
# note, newer versions want p5-EV which in turn wants threaded perl
# or running with LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libpthread.so to avoid problems
# with the userland thread library.
V = 7.3.3
PKGNAME = squeezecenter-${V}
DISTNAME = squeezecenter-${V}-noCPAN
CATEGORIES = audio net
HOMEPAGE = http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/SqueezeCenter
# Main software is GPLv2, supplied with some CPAN modules packaged,
# but unfortunately also with proprietary (required) firmware, also
# image files/fonts etc which may not be redistributed without an
# explicit permission being granted.
MASTER_SITES = http://downloads.slimdevices.com/SqueezeCenter_v${V}/
WRKDIST = ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME:S/.no-cpan-arch//}
# take care, squeezecenter often depends on internals of perl
# modules rather than documented APIs; as a result things often
# break if dependencies get updated.
RUN_DEPENDS = audio/flac \
audio/lame \
audio/wavpack \
databases/mysql,-server \
devel/p5-Cache-Cache>=1.04 \
devel/p5-Carp-Clan>=5.3 \
devel/p5-Class-Accessor>=0.31 \
devel/p5-Class-C3>=0.11 \
devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor>=0.03 \
devel/p5-Class-Data-Inheritable>=0.04 \
devel/p5-Class-Inspector>=1.16 \
databases/p5-DBD-mysql>=3.0002 \
databases/p5-DBI>=1.604 \
databases/p5-DBIx-Class>=0.07001 \
databases/p5-DBIx-Migration>=0.05 \
devel/p5-Data-Dump>=1.06 \
www/p5-Data-URIEncode>=0.11 \
security/p5-Digest-SHA1>=2.11 \
textproc/p5-Encode-Detect>=1.01 \
devel/p5-Exporter-Lite>=0.02 \
devel/p5-File-BOM>=0.13 \
devel/p5-File-Next>=1.02 \
devel/p5-File-ReadBackwards>=1.04 \
devel/p5-File-Slurp>=9999.12 \
sysutils/p5-File-Which>=0.05 \
graphics/p5-GD>=2.35 \
www/p5-HTML-Parser>=3.48 \
devel/p5-I18N-LangTags>=0.35 \
devel/p5-IO-String>=1.07 \
converters/p5-JSON-XS>=1.5 \
converters/p5-JSON-XS-VersionOneAndTwo>=0.31 \
www/p5-libwww>=5.805 \
devel/p5-Log-Log4perl>=1.07 \
math/p5-Math-VecStat>=0.08 \
net/p5-Net-DNS>=0.58 \
net/p5-Net-IP>=1.24 \
net/p5-Net-UPnP>=1.2.1 \
devel/p5-PAR>=0.970 \
devel/p5-Path-Class>=0.13 \
devel/p5-POE>=0.9989 \
devel/p5-POE-XS-Queue-Array>=0.002 \
devel/p5-Proc-Background>=1.08 \
databases/p5-SQL-Abstract>=1.20 \
textproc/p5-Template>=2.15 \
textproc/p5-Text-Unidecode>=0.04 \
devel/p5-Tie-Cache-LRU>=0.21 \
devel/p5-Tie-Cache-LRU-Expires>=0.54 \
devel/p5-Tie-IxHash>=1.21 \
devel/p5-Tie-LLHash>=1.003 \
devel/p5-Tie-RegexpHash>=0.13 \
devel/p5-Time-TimeDate>=1.16 \
www/p5-URI>=1.35 \
www/p5-URI-Find>=0.16 \
textproc/p5-XML-Parser>=2.34 \
textproc/p5-XML-Simple>=2.15 \
devel/p5-YAML-Syck>=0.64 \
# remove squeezecenter's redistributed CPAN modules, we use our own.
# remove MySQL error message file, it's for a specific version.
@rm ${WRKSRC}/MySQL/errmsg.sys
@ln -s ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys \
@rm -rf ${WRKSRC}/CPAN
@${SUBST_CMD} -c ${FILESDIR}/Custom.pm \
NO_BUILD = yes
NO_TEST = yes
PMDIR = libdata/perl5/site_perl/Slim
SSLIBDIR = libdata/squeezecenter
SSSHAREDIR = share/squeezecenter
${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/slimserver.pl ${PREFIX}/bin/slimserver.pl
${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/scanner.pl ${PREFIX}/bin/scanner.pl
${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/squeezecenter
.for i in types convert modules
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/$i.conf ${PREFIX}/share/examples/squeezecenter
cd ${WRKSRC}/Slim/; tar cf - * | tar xf - -C ${PREFIX}/${PMDIR}/
cd ${WRKSRC}/lib/; tar cf - * | tar xf - -C ${PREFIX}/${SSLIBDIR}/
cd ${WRKSRC}/; tar cf - Firmware Graphics HTML IR MySQL Plugins \
SQL strings.txt | tar xf - -C ${PREFIX}/${SSSHAREDIR}/
touch ${PREFIX}/share/examples/squeezecenter/empty
find ${PREFIX} -name '*.orig' -print0 | xargs -0 rm
.include <bsd.port.mk>