$OpenBSD: README,v 2019/03/08 05:52:25 rsadowski Exp $

| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

RPC user and password

Change rpcuser/rpcpassword in ${SYSCONFDIR}/litecoin.conf before starting
litecoind via rc.d(8).

Run the following command to create a RPC password:

${LOCALBASE}/share/litecoin/rpcauth.py USERNAME

Storage requirements

You may wish to reduce storage requirements by pruning (deleting) old blocks.
Enable prune in ${SYSCONFDIR}/litecoin.conf brefore you start litecoind first
time or enable block pruning on the command line:

    -prune=N: where N is the number of MB to allot for raw block & undo data.

The minimum allowed size is 550MB. See litecoind(1).