bluhm f4ae580db7 import p5-Statistics-CaseResampling 0.15
OK benoit@

efficient resampling and calculation of medians

The purpose of this (XS) module is to calculate the median (or in
principle also other statistics) with confidence intervals on a
sample.  To do that, it uses a technique called bootstrapping.  In
a nutshell, it resamples the sample a lot of times and for each
resample, it calculates the median.  From the distribution of
medians, it then calculates the confidence limits.
2017-01-03 13:11:18 +00:00

3 lines
147 B

SHA256 (Statistics-CaseResampling-0.15.tar.gz) = hRxDvW8Q0yKJUipQxqIJw7JGz9PrVmdz5oYe2gSkkIc=
SIZE (Statistics-CaseResampling-0.15.tar.gz) = 58153