fcambus 8142032ee2 Import devel/p5-MooseX-StrictConstructor.
Simply loading this module makes your constructors "strict". If your
constructor is called with an attribute init argument that your class
does not declare, then it calls Moose->throw_error(). This is a great
way to catch small typos.

OK giovanni@
2018-08-09 11:04:18 +00:00

3 lines
145 B

SHA256 (MooseX-StrictConstructor-0.21.tar.gz) = xypa6Vg3Bszexx1AHcswVAE6dTa3UN8UNmE9hY6ikg0=
SIZE (MooseX-StrictConstructor-0.21.tar.gz) = 26792