
| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

shairport-sync requires avahi-daemon(8) to be running first. To start it at
boot time, the rc.conf.local(8) pkg_scripts line can be edited as follow:

    rcctl enable messagebus avahi_daemon shairport_sync
    rcctl order messagebus avahi_daemon shairport_sync

sndiod(8) concurrent access by shairport-sync(1) and other users

sndiod(8) normally only allows access to audio by a single system user
at a time. This is done by generating a random authentication token and
storing it in $HOME/.sndio/cookie when a user first accesses audio,
providing a limited capability to share with other users by copying
the token to their home directory.  See AUTHENTICATION in sndio(7) for
more details.

If you want to share sndiod(8) access with shairport-sync(1) running as
the default _shairport user, you may copy .sndio/cookie from your user's
home directory to /var/spool/shairport/.sndio/cookie.