can be used for XMPP p2p VoIP with other Coccinella clients, and as
a fully IAX2 client for an asterisk.
Suggestion to use the wrapper script instead of depending on threaded
TCL/Tk flavor from sthen@ (many thanks!)
OK sthen@
features to list them here, and especially a much nicer looking interface.
No sound or VoIP yet, since those dependencies needs to be ported to sndio first.
Take maintainership, since I'm part of upstream, old maintainer agreed
long time ago.
OK landry@
Coccinella is a Jabber chat client with whiteboard communication. The
whiteboard let you share your mp3s, photos, and lots of other stuff.
Further it accepts any fonts. So you will also be able to share
mathematical formulas with your contacts.
From Marc Bruenink <>
ok xsa@, mbalmer@