the past 3 bulks, or forever.
Various reasons: no d^Hrecent compiler available, base gcc generating
nice internal compiler errors, no atomic ops, etc, etc.
While here, mark all webkits as BROKEN-hppa, since this also requires
clang or g++ 4.7. Our g++ 4.8 port only builds on
i386|amd64|powerpc|sparc64 anyway...
if you're interested^Wbored to death, full past logs at
for consistency with the gem/extconf ports.
Update non-gem/extconf ports that relied on the previous
default of ruby 1.8 to explicitly specify it.
OK ajacoutot@
patches were accepted upstream.
Rubinius previously installed into a versioned directory, this
update changes it to install into an unversioned directory.
This is going to change the PLIST of all dependent gem ports,
and a commit for them as well as a commit for will
be going in shortly.
Minor versions of rubinius do not maintain binary compatibility,
so we'll still need to bump all dependent ports that use C
extensions whenever the minor version of rubinius is updated, but
it is better than bumping all dependent ports.
While here, add some CONFIGURE_ENV stuff to make it possible to
build more ports with C extensions that depend on libraries in
OK landry@
Previously, we were using ruby->=1.8,<=1.9, instead of
ruby->=1.8,<1.9. While this wouldn't cause an issue, since
our ruby-1.9.2 package isn't included in ruby->=1.8,<=1.9,
it's still wrong and should be fixed. This also fixes the
following minor issues:
Switch from using FLAVOR to MODRUBY_FLAVOR for *_DEPENDS.
Currently we don't have a ruby port that uses FLAVORs that
would differ from MODRUBY_FLAVOR, but it's possible we will
in the future.
Switch from BASE_PKGPATH to BUILD_PKGPATH in a few cases in
REGRESS_DEPENDS. This probably is not strictly necessary, but
BUILD_PKGPATH is used in more cases, so it is good for
Switch to new style *_DEPENDS, with the version specification
at the end. The remaining cases where this is not done is
because a specific version is used.
Some FULLPKGNAME added to REGRESS_DEPENDS, to make sure that if
the old version is installed when you run a regress test, it
will install the new version first.
Some conversion of spaces to tabs for consistency.
OK landry@
The Rubinius bytecode virtual machine is written in C++, incorporating
LLVM to compile bytecode to machine code at runtime. The bytecode
compiler and vast majority of the core classes are written in pure Ruby.
To interact with the rest of the system, the VM provides primitives
which can be attached to methods and invoked. Additionally, FFI provides
a direct call path to most C functions.
Rubinius uses a precise, compacting, generational garbage collector. It
includes a compatible C-API for C extensions written for the standard
Ruby interpreter (often referred to as MRI.Matz's Ruby Implementation).
OK landry@, sthen@