On i386, it's better for a jit to ask for exec memory upfront, so uvm
knows to place it in the exec segment. Otherwise, if you mmap non-exec
and mprotect it, you wind up with a high mapping and the segment must
be enlarged to cover the whole process.
I sent Mike a slightly different diff; this is what he ended up
committing to git. I think we should add it to the port.
OK dcoppa@
Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for
extending applications. Lua is also frequently used as a
general-purpose, stand-alone language.
Additionally, from tobiasu@:
Disable the optimized shared Ada.Strings.Unbounded implementation until
overlapping memcpy() is fixed. Requires fresh adastrap's.
Rename all binaries starting with "egnat" back to "gnat". Reduces the
amount of workarounds needed to build various Ada software - including
GNAT itself.
Stop running the fixincludes script - saves time and pain. If our
headers are broken, we want to know and fix them ourselves, thank you
very much.
Drop gnat debug patch for a linker issue that was fixed some time ago.
ok tobiasu@
Also, use a new(er) bootstrapper; note that we have to use 7.8.3
for this, because if the built ghc and the bootstrapper have identical
versions, things will fail badly. May be it's not the ghc but the
cabal version which is problematic, but at the moment, I really
don'y call about *this* problem.
Still marked as broken. I hope to send promised diffs and new ports
for discussion tomorrow and then enable ghc and haskell-platform
on monday.
* not updating to the latest erlang (17.4) as there's no version of riak that
supports it yet, and ejabberd needs a major update to 14.12 (beginnings of
such an update are in openbsd-wip)
as discussed with jmatthew@
the past 3 bulks, or forever.
Various reasons: no d^Hrecent compiler available, base gcc generating
nice internal compiler errors, no atomic ops, etc, etc.
While here, mark all webkits as BROKEN-hppa, since this also requires
clang or g++ 4.7. Our g++ 4.8 port only builds on
i386|amd64|powerpc|sparc64 anyway...
if you're interested^Wbored to death, full past logs at
which would lead to a crash on i386; noticed by sthen@
also remove a bogus patch which hardcodes the python path and properly
substitute the python binary's path in the Makefile instead
(tree-view). This also disables the build of the depending ports
feldspar-compiler (already disabled by marking hs-ghc-mtl as broken)
and feldspar-language.