dependent ports, this restricts deps to use the current clang version
which is required for some ports using the unversioned libLLVM*.so
library. see
- set RUN_DEPENDS on devel/llvm in lang/crystal as it uses libLLVM*.so
breakage reported by James Turner
I don't like this at all, but don't see what other option we have,
if anyone has a better idea please pipe up.
Crystal is a programming language with the following goals:
* Have a syntax similar to Ruby (but compatibility with it is not a
* Be statically type-checked, but without having to specify the type
of variables or method arguments.
* Be able to call C code by writing bindings to it in Crystal.
* Have compile-time evaluation and generation of code, to avoid
boilerplate code.
* Compile to efficient native code.
Initial port and MAINTAINER Wesley Moxam
Help and ok sthen@