These were mostly used for x11/gnome/banshee which has been removed a long time
ago and they don't serve any purpose anymore.
The goal would be to update the current mono gtk2 stack to gtk3 at some point.
"by all means, OK" robert@
ok bket@
Information for inst:py3-pybind11-2.5.0
headers for interoperability between C++ and Python
pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types
in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of
existing C++ code. Its goals and syntax are similar to the excellent
boost library.
Maintainer: The OpenBSD ports mailing-list <>
- Add curl and tiff dependencies, now that proj can read datum grids
from remote cloud-optimized geotiffs (cf
- Add a README explaining how to access or sync datum grids from the CDN
(disabled by default)
all consumers had been fixed/adapted beforehands, the last annoying one
was spatialite but it's going to be updated right now.
This is one of the many changes needed to update numpy to v1.17.0 or
newer as numpy is now python3-only.
Analysis of py-zmq consumers flubbed by me. Luckily bket@ did a much
better dependency analysis of the py-zmq consumers.
ok bket@
Originally imported in 2012 for firefox-sync, but no longer used there.
Defunct sice 2013, and even the replacement heka-py has been deprecated
with no updates since 2014.
As this port is python2-only, it is in the way of getting numpy updated so
into the attic it goes...
ok kmos@, bket@, landry@
Data::Clone does data cloning, i.e. copies things recursively. This
is smart so that it works with not only non-blessed references, but
also with blessed references (i.e. objects). When clone() finds an
object, it calls a clone method of the object if the object has a
clone, otherwise it makes a surface copy of the object. That is,
this module does polymorphic data cloning.
Although there are several modules on CPAN which can clone data,
this module has a different cloning policy from almost all of them.
From cwen@ with OK to import
There is a mistake in the cmGeneratorTarget_cxx patch. This creates a wrong
scope. "this->IsFrameworkOnApple()" is present twice and the first one adds a
wrong bracket which creates a scope to the end of the whole function.
Has been through bulk build on amd64, ok naddy@
This is an interactive shell for Perl, commonly known as a REPL -
Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop. The shell provides for rapid development
or testing of code without the need to create a temporary source code
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK with tweaks cwen@
This module is meant to be loaded as a role from Moose-based classes
it will add five methods and four attributes to assist you with the
loading and handling of plugins and extensions for plugins. I
understand that this may pollute your namespace, however I took great
care in using the least ambiguous names possible.
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK cwen@
The Devel::StackTrace module contains two classes, Devel::StackTrace
and Devel::StackTrace::Frame. These objects encapsulate the information
that can retrieved via Perl's caller function, as well as providing
a simple interface to this data.
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
Tweaks + OK cwen@
Lexical::Persistence does a few things, all related. Note that all the
behaviors listed here are the defaults. Subclasses can override nearly
every aspect of Lexical::Persistence's behavior.
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
Tweaks + OK cwen@
Devel::LexAlias provides the ability to alias a lexical variable in a
subroutines scope to one of your choosing.
From wen heping <>
Tweaks and OK cwen@
From Stefan Hagen:
Glimpse is functional, but
upstream is dead for years. Glimpse (the indexer) is completely gone
and can only be found on mirrors and Webglimpse originally
was the webfrontend for glimpse, but is mentioned as homepage in the
port (which is not correct, the port does not contain the web part).
Anyway, is also gone. There is a backup version on
github (last commit 2014).
The gimpse version we're installing is from 1998. There is no more
recent one.
Good source code indexers are rare, but this one might just be
too old by now.
$ make 2>&1 | grep -i warning | wc -l
No port depends on it anymore after I removed the dependency on it from
No objection schwarze
OK kmos