- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/12.0/releasenotes/ for details
- two patches moved (patch-widget_src_xpwidgets_nsPrintSettingsImpl_cpp
and patch-widget_src_gtk2_Makefile_in)
- add two new patches for bug #691898 (patch-js_src_jsapi_cpp and
- add patch-gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp to workaround regression
introduced in bug #715658, which prevents one from building against
systemwide cairo.
- patch-extensions_auth_nsAuthGSSAPI_cpp from bug #667325 got merged
- patch-js_src_js-config_h_in and patch-js_src_jscpucfg_h from #714312 got
- patch-ipc_chromium_src_base_dir_reader_posix_ -from #714315 got merged
- Fixes MFSA 2012-12->19
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/11.0/releasenotes/
- complete patchset for #691898, still fixes build on ppc (and hopefully
commited in firefox 14...)
- add patchset from #706955, workarounds #669050 (xpcshell hangs during
make install and chokes on CSPUtils.csm, threads related..)
- remove obsolete/commited patches
- Fixes MFSA-2012-01..11
- remove patch-gfx_qcms_qcmstypes_h & patch-toolkit_xre_glxtest_cpp,
were commited upstream (bugs #651444 & #687320)
- remove patch-js_src_xpconnect_src_Makefile_in, dom_quickstubs.cpp hack
was apparently only needed with gcc3
- remove patch-xpcom_base_nsStackWalk_cpp, codepath not reached/solaris
- add https://bug691898.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=588391 to
use yarr interpreter on ppc, bug #691898 still being worked on
- backport https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/9cfdb612a026, fixes
endianess detection on BSDs using machine/endian.h (bug #714312)
That's the first release following the new fast scheme of one major
release every 6 weeks..
Check out http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/5.0/releasenotes/ for
release notes. Note that it's still badly broken on sparc64, and
unlikely to be fixed soon... you still have www/firefox36.
Tested by (at least, probably forgetting some..) rpointel@, pea@,
ckuethe@ and myself on amd64, bluhm@ on i386 and ajacoutot@ on macppc
ok rpointel@
sqlite database. Allows us to build against system sqlite3 again, and
get rid of the infamous symbol size mismatch warning reported several
times on ports@.
See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445164 for why mozilla
now hard-requires secure_delete, and
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=546162 for the reasons they
don't want to make that an option and forces us to do such hacks.
ok jasper@
that when they are dlopen()'ed they can tell ld.so where to go hunt for
the other mozilla libs they depend on.
Similar fix as done in xulrunner 1.8 patch-config_rules_mk 2 years ago
by martynas@, needed to convert py-gnome-extras to xulrunner 1.9.
No fallout on firefox.
The new plugin sandboxing code is disabled because :
- it only supports binary blobs plugins we don't have
- it is an horrible maze of #ifdef linux-apple-win32 coming straight
from an old version of chromium. Future versions should have better BSD
tested by several on ports@, thanks!
corresponding libs from SHARED_LIBS/PLIST. Bump minor and PKGNAME.
Bring in a pair of patches from xulrunner, and add a DIRECTORY variable
as done in xulrunner that is subst'ed in config/autoconf.mk.in.
sthen@ likes.