if a port needs 2.x then set MODPY_VERSION=${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_2}.
This commit doesn't change any versions currently used; it may be that
some ports have MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_2 but don't require it, those
should be cleaned up in the course of updating ports where possible.
Python module ports providing py3-* packages should still use
FLAVOR=python3 so that we don't have a mixture of dependencies some
using ${MODPY_FLAVOR} and others not.
Switch to use gcc 4.9 since it now requires c++11. Thx ajacoutot for
the build-testing - note that it requires more than 4gb of memory to
build, and might not build on i386.
scons: *** [src/libxml2_loader.os] Implicit dependency `/usr/local/include/ansidecl.h' not found, needed by target `src/libxml2_loader.os'.
scons: building terminated because of errors.
Fix depends, remove cairomm/libtool,-ltdl & agg. Mapnik uses its own
internal agg fork now. Fix WANTLIB while here, and ensure dependency on
png 1.6, otherwise build breaks horribly.
Force the dependency on scons 2.3.0, newer mapnik switched from CXXFLAGS
to CPPDEFINES, and with previous scons this produces broken build flags like
in turn producing broken builds.
Add a warning about the 'dangerous' regress tests.
Mapnik is an OpenSource C++/Python toolkit for developing GIS
(Geographic Information Systems) applications. At the core is a C++
shared library providing algorithms/patterns for spatial data access
and visualization.
Essentially a collection of geographic objects (map, layer,
datasource, feature, geometry), the library doesn't rely on
"windowing systems" and can be deployed in any server environment.
It is intended to play fair in a multi-threaded environment and is
aimed primarily, but not exclusively, at web-based development.
ok ajacoutot@