This package contains a few media utilities for the GNOME desktop:
* the GNOME GStreamer-based audio mixer;
* a volume level meter for ESD;
* the GNOME Sound Recorder;
* the GStreamer properties capplet.
feedback and ok martynas@
- pick up jpeg and png
- fmt DESCR, remove USE_MAKE
based on a diff by new maintainer Nicholas Marriott
<nicm at users dot sourceforge dot net>, with some tweaks by myself
Liberation font software consists of TrueType-OpenType formatted font
software for rendering Liberation typefaces in sans serif, serif, and
monospaced character styles.
There are three sets:
* Sans (a substitute for Arial, Albany, Helvetica, Nimbus Sans L, and
Bitstream Vera Sans)
* Serif (a substitute for Times New Roman, Thorndale, Nimbus Roman, and
Bitstream Vera Serif)
* Mono (a substitute for Courier New, Cumberland, Courier, Nimbus Mono
L, and Bitstream Vera Sans Mono).
"seems ok" matthieu@
YeahLaunch is a simple animated autohiding menu for launching
Based on a submission by Scott Vokes <vokes dot s at gmail dot com>
inputs, testing, feedback and ok steven@
rendercheck is a set of simple tests of the X Render extension. It is
designed for authors of Render implementations in X servers
Tests currently include:
* destination coordinates correctness
* source coordinates correctness
* transformed (FilterNearest) source coordinates correctness
* composite with and without mask (with/without component alpha), with
1x1 repeating Pictures and 10x10 Pictures.
* linear gradients
* repeating sources/masks at POT and non-POT sizes
* some regression tests for bugs from bugzilla
ok aanriot@
py-gnome (also known as gnome-python) is a set of bindings for the Gnome
platform libraries. It builds on top of the PyGTK bindings for GTK and
the PyORBit bindings for ORBit2.
"commit commit!" jasper@