While here, adjust WANTLIB after the import of ahavi; several other
ports are affected by this, too.
No bump, because it didn't package correctly.
"looks right" bernd@
It is completely unmaintained, barely working and prevent from updating the
whole VoIP gang (ptlib, h323plus, opal, gnugk, ekiga) which I'm working on.
Using this program you can easily enjoy xkcd comics by
Randall Munroe without any browser, simply using this
graphical front-end.
Totally useless and slacking-compliant, so we need it in the portstree.
PolicyKit-gnome provides:
* an Authentication Agent for PolicyKit that integrates well with the
GNOME desktop environment
* a shared library to easily integrate usage of PolicyKit into GTK+
* a proof-of-concept applet (that is subject to change) for managing
WIP: it does not work... seriously, don't send me mails!
- tweak DESCR and COMMENT
- SHARED_LIBS should being at 0.0
- better HOMEPAGE
- add gettext and intltool MODULES
- explicitely set some CONFIGURE_ARGS
- remove bogus dbus-uuidgen which is already ran by the dbus pkg
- better HOMEPAGE
- add gettext MODULES
- tweak some CONFIGURE_ARGS and put pid file under /var/run so we don't
need to create a special directory for it
- don't create PREFIX/var/...
- add a /var/log/ConsoleKit/ @sample directory
speech recognition trainer and decoders (Sphinx-II, Sphinx-III, and
PocketSphinx), as well as some common utilities for manipulating
acoustic feature and audio files.
at the right place this time.
ok ajacoutot@
from Carnegie Mellon University. It includes both an acoustic trainer
and various decoders, i.e., text recognition, phoneme recognition,
N-best list generation, etc.
ok ajacoutot@
speech recognition trainer and decoders (Sphinx-II, Sphinx-III, and
PocketSphinx), as well as some common utilities for manipulating
acoustic feature and audio files.
tweaks and ok ajacoutot@
port-modules(5) will be tweaked accordingly when all ports are converted
to using this new module.
"i like the idea" wcmaier@
"i like it" landry@
some input and ok jasper@
ConsoleKit is a framework for defining and tracking users, login
sessions, and seats. The primary motivations for this framework are to
facilitate fast-user-switching and multi-seat capabilities, and to
enable more sophisticated policy decisions for desktop sessions.
this is not hooked up to the build just yet, just like policykit