A curses-based textmode ICQ client implementation. It is a
fully featured client, can do things like file transfer. Has
the ability to associate sounds with different actions/evens
and play them through a sound card, as well as the standart
Things like colors are not hard-coded in the program itself,
but can be set in the corresponding config files
New dissectors include SUA Light, HCLNFSD, Rquota. Many other dissectors were
updated and bug-fixed. The wiretap library can now read Etherpeek files,
and write NetMon 2.x files. Capture filters and display filters are kept in
separate dialogues/files to help minimize confusion. A new "Decode As"
feature allows some run-time configuration of which dissectors are called
for a particular packet. You can now click on a byte in the hex dump and the
appropriate field in the protocol tree will be selected. The display filter
code was re-written, and some syntax changed (esp. for boolean variables).
Submitted by Wangden Kelsang <wngdn@src.uchicago.edu>.
Nslint reads the (BIND) nameserver configuration files and performs
a number of consistency checks on the dns records. Nslint is known
to work with BIND versions 4, 8, and 9.
This port had no real name associated with the listed address. When
trying to reach this person, the mail bounces. It also appears from
the logs that this person hasn't been maintaining this.
Sirc is an Internet Relay Chat programmable client written in
perl and C. It has a main perl script that can be run in 'dumb'
mode, standalone, and a separate split-screen front end in C,
called ssfe.