the php core module and extenions.
Install a sample configuration file to /var/www/conf/modules.sample
which can be symlinked or copied over to /var/www/conf/modules
so apache is going to pick it up.
Allow php to scan /var/www/conf/php5 for php configuration
files so if the user installs or creates a symlink from the
sample configuration files from the php5.sample directory,
it is going to be picked up by php5.
Create a dummy pwd.db file in the php5-imap package in the apache
chroot because it is needed by c-client.
feedback and tests by sthen@
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a method for access remote
XML resources on another machine. It is a standard defined by The
World Wide Web consortium (W3C). Information about XSLT and related
technologies can be found at
From: Ben Lindstrom <>