This package contains command-line tools to work with a locally rsync'ed
copy of Internet Drafts and RFCs. See the README and help text for more
information, but here are some examples:
ietf: starts a command-line shell with command history
ietf mirror: create or update local mirror of IETF repositories
(approx 1GB, by default in ${LOCALSTATEDIR}/db/ietf-mirrors)
ietf rfc 3456 4567: open RFC 3456 and RFC 4567 in $EDITOR
ietf rfcextra 3456: open RFC 3456 and any RFCs that update or
obsolete it in $EDITOR, and any errata on any of those in a browser
ietf (tools|tracker) 3456 4567: opens RFC 3456 and RFC 4567 in the
IETF Tools or IETF Datatracker web interface
ietf draft crocker: open all active drafts with "crocker" in their
filename, and lists all matching drafts that are expired, replaced
by other drafts, or have become RFCs
ietf draftstatus crocker, ietf rfcstatus 3456: lists information
from the IETF and RFC Editor databases