environment, which will reduce complexity in java.port.mk when jdk 11 is
added. direction agreed with kurt@.
- switch all MODJAVA_VER to at least 1.8 (we don't currently have any
version earlier than this anyway).
- drop MODJAVA_JRERUN, the separate jre package will be going away with
jdk 11.
- bump changed ports
Unfortunately version 0.8.1 is still advertised on the projects website.
But I was told by Sylvain Cadilhac (author of netshot) that I should
look at the versions available on GitHub.
OK jasper@
Netshot is a tool to backup configs from network devices similar to
rancid. In addition it can also check configs and detected versions
against a policy. It already knows many platforms and it is easy to
modify or add drivers for different vendors.
OK danj@