The swish extension is an object oriented PHP interface to the swish-e C
library. This can be used to access search indexes from your PHP code
avoiding the need to run the swish-e binary for searching.
b) it's buggy and c) there are better plugins these days that do specific
jobs way better."
He suggests removing it entirely if there are no objections.
Merb-Slices is a Merb plugin for using and creating application 'slices' which
help you modularize your application. Usually these are reusable extractions
from your main app. In effect, a Slice is just like a regular Merb MVC
application, both in functionality as well as in structure.
A slice for the Merb framework that uses the merb-auth-core authentication
framework. This slice provides a basic login and logout function. By default
it also include the form based password logins and basic authentication.
This module allows user authentication (and can log authenthication
requests) against information stored in a PostgreSQL database.
ok simon@ ajacoutot@
Addressable is a replacement for the URI implementation that is part of
Ruby's standard library. It more closely conforms to the relevant RFCs and
adds support for IRIs and URI templates.
--skipdeps to CONFIGURE_ARGS, sigh...
pointed out by Markus Hennecke with a diff that addresses the issue from
a different angle by updating p5-MRO-Compat to 0.09 which isn't actually
required for this port.
Sinatra is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for quickly creating
web-applications in Ruby.
It keeps a minimal feature set, leaving the developer to use the
tools that best suit them and their application.
While here, link with -pthread instead of -lpthread, spotted by
Remove the BROKEN marker on sparc64 upon jasper@'s request to let
gnome/devhelp build, although it still SIGBUS'es badly at runtime
(which is being worked on, and driving me nuts)