Testing, on steriods. Go red with zentest which ensures test coverage and
accelerates TDD. Go green with unit_diff using Advanced Diffing Technology(TM)
to highlight errors. Refactor with autotest, continuous integration while you
Okay bernd@.
rparsec is a recursive descent parser combinator framework. Intuitive and
declarative API is provided instead of code generation or proprietary BNF-like
syntax. A calculator parser can be built from scratch in 10 lines of simple
Okay bernd@.
ruby-typo <- ruby-debug <- ruby-debug-base updates.
LineCache - caches (Ruby source) files as might be used in a debugger
or a tool that works with sets of Ruby source files.
okay bernd@, import guidance from jasper@
LibUnique is a library for writing single instance applications, that is
applications that are run once and every further call to the same binary
either exits immediately or sends a command to the running instance.
with tweaks and ok jasper@ ajacoutot@
GIT repository browser that additionally can act as a pager for
output from various GIT commands. When browsing repositories, it
uses the underlying GIT commands to present the user with various
views, such as summarized revision log and showing the commit with
the log message, diffstat, and the diff. Using it as a pager, it
will display input from stdin and colorize it.
Submitted and maintained by Tobias Ulmer. Thanks!
This is a quick-n-dirty BSD licensed clone of backtrace facility found
in the GNU libc, mainly intended for porting linuxish code to BSD
platforms, however it can be used at any platform which has a gcc
from bernd@ (patch-execinfo_c from FreeBSD)
LibYAML is a YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C.
LibYAML covers presenting and parsing processes. Thus LibYAML defines the
following two processors:
* Parser, which takes an input stream of bytes and produces a sequence
of parsing events.
* Emitter, which takes a sequence of events and produces a stream of bytes
from Pierre-Emmanuel Andre (MAINTAINER)