Removes an integrated patch and some unmaintained/outdated translations.
Update patches and PLIST while here.
Tested by myself, pyr@ and pea at raveland dot org, thanks!
ok ajacoutot@
gtk-update-icon-cache is part of gtk+2: adding gtk+2 to run_depends just
to update the icon cache (which only gtk apps can use) is overkill to
say the least!
As from now, each time icons are installed under %D/share/icons, we try
to execute gtk-update-icon-cache and if it is not there, we just ignore
the error.
What it means is that if you have gtk+2 installed, then it'll run fine
and your apps will be able to use the cache. Otherwise, it will silently
fails which is fine since it means none of your apps would have been
able to take advantage of the cache anyway.
discussed with jasper@
by me to clean/reorder LIB_DEPENDS/WANTLIB. Remove two integrated patches.
clamav plugin is not part of it anymore due to licence issues, it will be
reimported soon in a standalone port.
Tested too by Pierre-Emmanuel Andre @i386, thanks !
ok ajacoutot@ pyr@
- gnomeprint flavor has been removed, it uses gtkprint now
- patch-src_procmime_c updated to fix a problem reported by Marten King
- pgp* plugins are built but not installed, due to a severe threading bug :
tested by many, ok ajacoutot@ kili@ and MAINTAINER
- disable useless static plugins
- remove unnecessary pseudo flavors
- build pgp and aspell support by default
- install tools and scripts
- shorter DESCRs for plugins
Should be ready now, but more testing is welcome.
Input from Brad, Ulrich (maintainer), espie@ and steven@.
ok steven@
From Ulrich Kahl, with work by pyr@, brad, myself and various people
on ports@. Not quite finished, but with this many contributers, it's
nice to have some version control.
ok pvalchev