other data_mapper gems.
DataMapper is a Object Relational Mapper written in Ruby. The goal is to
create an ORM which is fast, thread-safe and feature rich.
ok landry
DataMapper Plugin that adds foreign key constraints to associations.
Currently supports only PostgreSQL and MySQL. All constraints are added
to the underlying database, but constraining is implemented in pure
ok landry
Some [hopefully] useful extensions to Ruby.s String class. Stringex is
made up of three libraries: ActsAsUrl [permalink solution with better
character translation], Unidecoder [Unicode to Ascii transliteration],
and StringExtensions [miscellaneous helper methods for the String
ok landry
Railties is responsible for gluing the parts of Ruby on Rails together.
Overall, it:
* handles the entire bootstrapping process for a Rails application;
* manages the rails command line interface;
* provides the core Rails generators;
ok landry
Rack::Test is a small, simple testing API for Rack apps. It can be used
on its own or as a reusable starting point for Web frameworks and
testing libraries to build on.
ok landry
Rack::Mount is a stackable dynamic tree based Rack router. Rack::Mount
supports Rack's +X-Cascade+ convention to continue trying routes if the
response returns pass. This allows multiple routes to be nested or
stacked on top of each other. Since the application endpoint can trigger
the router to continue matching, middleware can be used to add arbitrary
conditions to any route. This allows you to route based on other request
attributes, session information, or even data dynamically pulled from a
ok landry
Mail is an internet library for Ruby that is designed to handle emails
generation, parsing and sending in a simple, rubyesque manner.
The purpose of this library is to provide a single point of access to
handle all email functions, including sending and receiving emails. All
network type actions are done through proxy methods to Net::SMTP,
Net::POP3, etc..
ok landry
A toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record and Active
Resource. Rich support for attributes, callbacks, validations,
observers, serialization, internationalization, and testing.
ok landry
Arel is a Relational Algebra for Ruby. It 1) simplifies the generation
complex of SQL queries and it 2) adapts to various RDBMS systems. It is
intended to be a framework framework; that is, you can build your own
ORM with it, focusing on innovative object and collection modeling as
opposed to database compatibility and query generation.
ok landry
Gambatte is an accuracy-focused, cross-platform Game Boy Color emulator.
It is based on hundreds of corner case hardware tests, as well as
previous documentation and reverse engineering efforts.
From Anthony J. Bentley on ports@
Monad classes using type families, with instances for various monad
transformers, inspired by the paper "Functional Programming with
Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism", by Mark P Jones.
ok kili@
Enumerators and Iteratees are an abstraction discovered by Oleg
Kiselyov, which provide a performant, predictable, and safe alternative
to lazy I/O. This library is a simplified, reorganized version of
Oleg's original code.
ok kili@