- use gnome MODULE
- add missing desktop-file-utils run_depends
- this is a SHARED_ONLY port, add --disable-static
- remove dot.desktop patch, evince should be in graphics, not office
it makes more sense to add devhelp as run_depends for gnome-session and
leave it to the user to install it manually for other packages
"if you're as happy as a pig in poop, commit it" jasper@
gtk-update-icon-cache is part of gtk+2: adding gtk+2 to run_depends just
to update the icon cache (which only gtk apps can use) is overkill to
say the least!
As from now, each time icons are installed under %D/share/icons, we try
to execute gtk-update-icon-cache and if it is not there, we just ignore
the error.
What it means is that if you have gtk+2 installed, then it'll run fine
and your apps will be able to use the cache. Otherwise, it will silently
fails which is fine since it means none of your apps would have been
able to take advantage of the cache anyway.
discussed with jasper@
Based on an update to 0.9.* from Mikolaj Kucharski several months ago.
Note that this doesn not include the no_libgnome FLAVOR suggested by
Mikolaj, because it saves much less dependencies and space than it did
for the 0.9.* version.
ok landry@
Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats.
The goal of evince is to replace the multiple document viewers that
exist on the GNOME Desktop with a single simple application.