- reset tog blame view's scroll position if line count shrinks too much (naddy)
- replace unprintable characters with '.' before passing them to curses (naddy)
- allow editing of log message comments with 'got histedit'
- implicitly mark all files in work tree as up-to-date after rebase/histedit
- add fd field to got_repository, modify got_packidx_open to use fds (yzhong)
- more size_t for loop indices to avoid signedness warnings; by emaste@freebsd
- fix path existence check in got_object_tree_path_changed (reported by jrick)
- fix parsing of tag objects which lack a tag message; found in u-boot.git repo
- do not mix up repos if tog's -r option is used in a work tree (with naddy)
- avoid signed vs unsigned comparisons in fetch.c (with millert)
- introduce got_custom_error array to support multiple errors in flight
- switch to strerror_r(3) in error.c for thread-safety
html documentation is available and up-to-date online and we would enter a
world of conflict if we had to import gtkmm40-documentation.
Not worth the pain.
atkmm is a C++ interface for the ATK accessibility toolkit library.
It may be used, for instance, by user interfaces implemented with gtkmm.
ok robert@
- new diff implementation from git.gameoftrees.org/diff.git (with neels)
- use Patience diff algorithm with fallback to Myers diff
- new blame algorithm which compares commit N-1 to N (with neels)
- handle binary files in got/tog diff commands; add -a options to force text
- consistently label removed files as "/dev/null" in diff headers
- prevent potential fclose(NULL) in error path of diff_blobs()
- use size_t for loop indices to avoid signedness warnings (by emaste@freebsd)
- in tests, replace echo with printf and stop option processing via "--" (naddy)
- fix test failure of test_tree_submodule_of_same_repo for packed repos (yzhong)
- add fd to got_worktree, modify got_fileindex_entry_update to use fds (yzhong)
- add histedit -f flag for folding shortcut (jrick)
- prevent log message loss of folded commits during histedit
- tog: plug two memory leaks in draw_file()
- tog: show current/total line numbers in diff view header
- tog: highlight matched search terms in diff and blame views
- tog: call pthread_cond_destroy(cond) just once when closing log view (naddy)
- tog: reset diff view's scroll position if diff context shrinks too much
- tog: make tog diff accept reference and tag arguments; add -w and -C options
- tog: new 'tog ref' subcommand which displays references in the repository
- tog: fix entry selection when moving to the parent in tree view (naddy)
- tog: fix page-down/page-up scrolling in the tree view (with naddy)
- tog: trim redundant parameters from many functions, and tidy up code (naddy)
- tog: log view now requests more commits when the window expands (naddy)
- tog: call pledge(2) directly in main() instead of per-command
- tog: fix bug on FreeBSD where pressing 'q' in a child view caused tog to exit
- tog: fix move to next/prev commit in diff view if log is not displayed (naddy)
- tog: make ^L in the log view stick to branches/tags selected via -c option
- tog: make tree view keep track of branches/tags specified via -c
- tog: fix crashes when the log view reloads displayed data
- tog: resize events go to child views as well as parent views (found by naddy)
- tog: move the tree view's selection cursor up if terminal shrinks too much
- tog: fix display of lines that end in "\r\n" (problem found by jrick)
- tog: accommodate newer ncurses where panel_userptr() returns const (naddy)
- tog: use getline(3) instead of fparseln(3) for better portability