Visitors is a very fast web log analyzer for Linux, Windows, and other
Unix-like operating systems. It takes as input a web server log file,
and outputs statistics in form of different reports.
ok bernd@
can be used to run targets that may fail without impacting further stuff,
or to collect stats on anything.
For instance
BULK_DO= mkdir -p ${PORTSDIR}/config/${FULLPKGPATH}; \
cp -f ${WRKBUILD}/config.{log,status} ${PORTSDIR}/config/${FULLPKGPATH} || true; \
cd ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${MACHINE_ARCH}/all && perl ${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/package/check-modes ${PKGNAMES} || true
- make sure locks happen when they should, including for lib-depends-check.
- make sure various targets set PACKAGING as they should.
- let BULK=Yes be invoked only from make package.
Fix for the BULK_COOKIE and UPDATE_COOKIE issue. They can no longer depend
on PACKAGE_COOKIES, since this needs to get built with PACKAGING set. So
instead, simply remove the cookies when we create a new package succesfully.
By any kind of reasoning, both bulk and update are `reset' when a new
package appears, so this seems to be the right semantics in most cases.
Thanks for wilfried and nikolay for error spotting. Hoping this will be
what's needed, finally.
bug found in both gcc 2.x and gcc 3.x. This at least allows MySQL
to work on EV56 and newer CPUs.
Thanks to jason@ for tracking down the issue and recommending a
Eclipse IDE. It includes an Ivy XML editor and a class path container
for automatic downloads and dependency resolution.
ok, kurt
(This time to the correct module... sorry for the noise)
dependencies. Ivy has a lot of powerful features, the most popular and
useful being its flexibily, integration with ant, and its strong
transitive dependencies management engine.
feedback, improvements, and ok by kurt
UMFPACK is a set of routines for solving unsymmetric sparse linear
systems, Ax=b, using the Unsymmetric MultiFrontal method. Written
in ANSI/ISO C, with a MATLAB (Version 6.0 and later) interface.
Appears as a built-in routine (for lu, backslash, and forward
slash) in MATLAB. Includes a MATLAB interface, a C-callable
interface, and a Fortran-callable interface.
AMD is a set of routines for ordering a sparse matrix prior to Cholesky
factorization (or for LU factorization with diagonal pivoting). There
are versions in both C and Fortran. A MATLAB interface is provided.
Note that this software has nothing to do with AMD the company.