Major changes:
* tinydns automatically returns a random set of 8 addresses, in a
random order, from a cluster of any size.
* tinydns supports client differentiation. There's no longer any
reason to use pickdns.
* dnstracesort prints glue information. This reveals all sorts of
interesting inconsistencies.
This is a collection of modules that represent, create, and extract
information from HTML syntax trees. These modules used to be part
of the libwww-perl distribution, but are now unbundled in order to
facilitate a separate development track. Bug reports and discussions
about these modules can still be sent to the <>
mailing list, or to <>.
XML::Simple is a Perl module that makes it really easy to read and
write XML files. You can get a full rundown of the module's
capabilities and limitations in the manual page.
XML::Simple was originally developed for the purpose of reading and
writing config files in XML format (which offers various advantages
over say .INI format). Having said that, many people find it useful
for other purposes.
This module provides ways to parse XML documents. It is built on
top of XML::Parser::Expat, which is a lower level interface to James
Clark's expat library. Each call to one of the parsing methods
creates a new instance of XML::Parser::Expat which is then used to
parse the document. Expat options may be provided when the XML::Parser
object is created.
These options are then passed on to the Expat object on each parse
call. They can also be given as extra arguments to the parse methods,
in which case they override options given at XML::Parser creation
This patch fixes a problem in the Postfix SMTP client's fallback
relay feature in snapshot releases after 20001005.
By default, Postfix does not use the fallback_relay feature. To
find out if your system uses it, issue the command:
postconf fallback_relay
The result is "fallback_relay =" when the feature is turned off.
As of 20001005, the Postfix SMTP client will send mail to a fallback
relay host (if one is configured) even when the local machine is
a backup MX host for the final destination.
This causes a loop when the primary MX host is down. Postfix receives
the mail, because it's a backup MX host for the destination. Postfix
then sends the mail to the fallback relay, because the primary MX
host is down. The fallback sends the mail back to Postfix, because
it's a backup MX host. Mail then bounces after 25 or so iterations.
Laurent Wacrenier had the, um, pleasure, of finding this one.
If the local machine is listed as MX host for the final destination,
do not send undeliverable mail to the fallback relay. That is how
releases prior to 20001005 work, including 19991231.
This patch should apply to all snapshots since 20001005, but I have
tested this only with 20001217.
To apply, step into the src/smtp source directory, feed this text
into the patch command, and rebuild. The "make install" command
replaces only the smtp client program.
This is a nice module that can query quotes from almost every financial
exchange in the world, to create custom stock tickers for your tumbling
stock-market needs.
Put in misc after discussion between naddy@, camield@, espie@