ghc and the hs-packages now simply include the necessary (haskell)
package description files in lib/ghc/package.conf.d and update the
package.cache by running ghc-pkg recache at the end. register and
unregister scripts are no longer needed.
Also, fix the base dependency in the .cabal file.
Upstream infrastructure "fixes" dependencies in some magic
database (or whatever) without releasing new releases, so
what you see in the .cabal file contained in the distfile
is not what you *should* see.
stop other people wasting time on updates which should not be done.
ian@ ran into this (while working on devel/hs-aeson and
textproc/hs-attoparsec), and even I didn't notice before trying to
build all Haskell ports (including meta/haskell-platform) with his
and the line with the script down to the bottom of
the plist. Silences all the blurb about ".../*.haddock doesn't exist
or isn't a file."