- Fix array bounds that caused a segfault while storing the config file
- Ensure that we hit EOF while storing/loading the config file on
unsigned char archs (powerpc, arm)
Wording hint and OK tb@
Some notable changes to the package with this release:
- move from Qt4 to Qt5
- move from Python 2 to Python 3
- drop dependency on py-gtk2
ok (and testing and much prodding from) rsadowski@
ok bket@
Information for inst:py3-pybind11-2.5.0
headers for interoperability between C++ and Python
pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types
in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of
existing C++ code. Its goals and syntax are similar to the excellent
boost library.
Maintainer: The OpenBSD ports mailing-list <ports@openbsd.org>
WWW: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pybind11
Depends on libspatialite 5.0.0, librasterlite2 1.1.0beta1 and the newly
imported virtualpg.
Disable libxlsxwriter support as we dont have a port (yet?) for
- Add curl and tiff dependencies, now that proj can read datum grids
from remote cloud-optimized geotiffs (cf https://proj.org/usage/network.html)
- Add a README explaining how to access or sync datum grids from the CDN
(disabled by default)
all consumers had been fixed/adapted beforehands, the last annoying one
was spatialite but it's going to be updated right now.
virtualpg is a dynamic extension for the SQLite DBMS. it implements the
VirtualPostgres driver, allowing to directly exchange data between
SQLite and PostgreSQL; if SpatiaLite is available even PostGIS
geometries can be exchanged from one Spatial DBMS to the other.
New requirement for an upcoming spatialite_gui update.
ok solene@
The RT Topology Library exposes an API to create and manage standard
(ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies using user-provided data stores.
The code is derived from PostGIS liblwgeom library enhanced to provide
thread-safety, have less dependencies and be independent from PostGIS release
New requirement for upcoming geo/spatialite update
ok solene@