* Use WARN log level also for the early initialization [518d1496]
* Update to Go 1.14.3 and Go 1.13.11 [3cc41523]
* Improve error message when no Babel installed [2fd0a5a6]
* Add test for headings render hook [6e051c05]
* Add render template hooks for headings [423b8f2f]
* Add math.Pow [99193449]
* Do not suppress .well-known/ directory [558c0930]
* Quote "@babel/cli" to solve build error [b69a3614]
* Remove custom x-nodejs plugin [a0103864]
* Use .Lastmod for og:updated_time [6205d56b]
* Fix Babel on Windows [723ec555]
* Upgrade chroma to 0.7.3 to fix invalid css [b342e8fb]
ok rsadowski@ kmos@
* Fix IsAncestor and IsDescendant when the same page is passed
* deps: Update goldmark-highlighting
* Fix IsAncestor and IsDescendant under subsection
ok jca@
* hugolib/filesystems: Fix typo in test suite
* Fix class collector when running with --minify
* related: Fix toLower
* Fix broken test [b3c82575]
* tpl/tmplimpl/template: Change defer RLock to RUnlock
* hugolib: Add Unlock before panic
* docs: Fix typo in Hugo's Security Model
* deps: Update go-org to v1.1.0
* commands: Modify gen chromastyles to output all CSS classes
* deps: Update to goldmark v1.1.28
* Fix query parameter handling in server fast render mode
ok jca@
* Extend Jsonify to support options map
* Extend Jsonify to support optional indent parameter
* Regen docs helper
* Collect HTML elements during the build to use in PurgeCSS etc.
* Update to latest emoji package
* Update hosting-on-aws-amplify.md
* Add basic "post resource publish support"
* Typo correction [commit 7eba37ae]
* Use semver for min_version per recommendations
* Updateto gitmap v1.1.2
* Add data context to the key in ExecuteAsTemplate"
* Fix hugo mod vendor for regular file mounts
* Revert "Revert "common/herrors: Fix typos in comments""
* Fix typos in comments" [commit 4437e918]
* Fix typos in comments [commi t1123711b]
* Fix TrimShortHTML
* Fix IsDescendant/IsAncestor for overlapping section names
* fix typo in getting started
* Fix _build.list.local logic
* Fix cache reset for a page's collections on server live reload
ok jca@
Changes for this release:
* Some minify configuration adjustments
* Add minify config
* Allow headless bundles to list pages via $page.Pages and
* Update to Go 1.14.1 and 1.13.9
* Pass directory name to filters in LstatIfPossible in the same way as
* Update to goldmark 1.1.25.
* Add workaround for regular CSS imports in SCSS
* Add .RegularPagesRecursive
* Add data context to the key in ExecuteAsTemplate
* Improve Tailwind/PostCSS error messages
* Update Blackfriday
* Add languageDirection to language configuration
* Fix Go build version
* Fix GetTerms nil pointer
* Fix scss vs css import regexp
* Fix --templateMetricsHints
* Try to fix a Go 1.15 go vet error
ok jca@
Changes for this release:
* metrics: Fix --templateMetricsHints [5eadc4c0]
* resources: Add data context to the key in ExecuteAsTemplate [18cb21ff]
* Improve Tailwind/PostCSS error messages [df298558]
* deps: Update Blackfriday [b1106f87]
* resources: Try to fix a Go 1.15 go vet error [c0177fe2]
* Add languageDirection to language configuration [5914f91b]
ok jca@
If somebody is removed who actually wants maintainer and either
didn't receive the mail, or didn't bother to reply to it, they are
free to send a diff to reinstate.
ok sthen@, jca@
Hugo is a static HTML and CSS website generator written in Go. It is
optimized for speed, ease of use, and configurability. Hugo takes a
directory with content and templates and renders them into a full HTML
website. Hugo relies on Markdown files with front matter for metadata.
Port made by Kevin Wondratch (maintainer)
help from abieber@ and sthen@
ok jca@ rsadowski@