building a subpackage, and then we definitely want the `current' stuff,
not the stuff that's already installed.
Allows shared libs updates in MULTI_PACKAGES to proceed gracefully without
having to uninstall stuff.
(we do not do this stuff in general, because in other cases, builds are
`staggered', e.g., a port is built against the existing base, not the stuff
in other WRKDIRS)
Add a message to that effect so that users don't get confused.
(specifically, make itself does not change dirs, so if you do ^Z,
you're not where you think you are...)
end up there with PACKAGING not set.
We do not try to `fix it' ourselves, because PACKAGING not set may have
some non obvious issues, like PKG_ARCH or PERMIT_PACKAGE_* not set correctly
at all.
Move BULK_COOKIE for package to the redirector, so that we do not
clean in subpackage cases, but instead wait for all the packages to be built.
Also, introduce FORCE_UPDATE=hard: with signatures, -F installed is
most often not necessary...
package cookie, so that an update will get all subpackages built.
And a fix for an old issue: let make update proceed to update ALL subpackages,
as seems the most natural. Create a subupdate target if one specifically
wants to update a single package (and use it as dependency in the FORCE_UPDATE
cookies, and also insist on running make package, which is necessary to
make sure all MULTI_PACKAGES get built.
Repair make clean=packages: make sure all packages get named using the same
scheme as other multi-packages targets (that way, arch-indep subpackages
get cleaned properly)
into real targets.
- now make package will create missing ftp/cdrom links when PERMIT says so.
- PKG_ARCH=* packages get built into packages/no-arch, and linked from
Everything gets based off PACKAGE_REPOSITORY, PKGREPOSITORYBASE and friends
get ditched.
All `package' targets go through the same routine: iterate through every
subpackage with PACKAGING set.
This includes describe, lib-depends-check, package, dump-vars, install-all,
which will iterate through subdescribe, sublib-depends-check, subpackage,
subdump-vars, and install.
(names are subject to change).
Much simpler logic, plus hey, you get an install-all target !
Might be some minor breakage, most stuff appear to work just fine...
_MASTER_LOCK, we keep a list of _LOCKS_HELD by one port builder in
an env variable, and we don't relock stuff that's already locked.
This allows us to, e.g., have fake depend on regress without issue
(even though, internally, it's more efficient to use the _internal-*
targets to avoid testing locks).