Memoir is a flexible class for typesetting general fiction,
non-fiction and mathematical works as books, reports, articles or
manuscripts. Documents can use 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt or 17ptas
the normal font size. Many methods are provided to let you create your
particular design.
from Morten Liebach <m at>
The playfair program is quite simple. It takes one of the iTMS
Protected AAC Audio Files, decodes it using a key obtained from your
iPod or Microsoft Windows system and then writes the new, decoded
version to disk as a regular AAC Audio File. It then optionally copies
the metadata tags that describe the song, including the cover art, to
the new file.
HTML::CalendarMonthSimple is a Perl module for
generating, manipulating, and printing a HTML calendar
grid for a specified month. It is intended as a faster
and easier-to-use alternative to HTML::CalendarMonth.
from Sam Smith <S at>
Date::ICal talks the ICal date format, and is intended to be
a base class for other date/calendar modules that know about
ICal time format also.
from Sam Smith <S at>
This module may be used to create simple date objects. It
only handles dates within the range of Unix time. It will
only allow the creation of objects for valid dates.
Attempting to create an invalid date will return undef.
from Sam Smith <S at>
Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs
comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items,
including over 2600 potentially dangerous files/CGIs,
versions on over 625 servers, and version specific problems on
over 230 servers. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated
and can be automatically updated (if desired).
from Srebrenko Sehic <haver at>