(Japanese), weiqi or wei ch'i (Chinese) or baduk (Korean). Go is noted
for being rich in strategic complexity despite its simple rules.
The game is played by two players who alternately place black and white
stones (playing pieces, now usually made of glass or plastic) on the
vacant intersections of a grid of 19x19 lines (9x9 or 13x13 lines for
easier flavors).
word letter by letter. At each miss, the picture of a hangman
appears. After 10 tries, if the word is not guessed, the game is
over and the answer is displayed. A hint can be shown to help you
guess the word.
The words are nouns and available in several languages at the moment
including English US, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, German,
Greek, British English, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Irish
(Gaelic), Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian (Bokml), Dutch, Norwegian
(Nynorsk), Occitan, Punjabi, Polish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese,
Russian, Slovenian, Serbian, Slovak, Swedish, Tajik, Turkish and
Ukrainian. The program will detect which languages are present and
enable them. You will also be able to easily download other languages
via the Get New Stuff dialog.
There are at least 4 categories per language: easy, medium, hard
and animals which contains only animals nouns.
about the political divisions of some countries (divisions, capitals
of those divisions and their associated flags if there are some).
It is part of the KDE Education Project.
game. The players try to build up a row of four pieces using different
strategies. Pieces are placed on a board. The game can also be
played against a computer.
It is played on a field, surrounded by walls, with two or more balls
that move about in the field bouncing off of walls. The player can
build new walls, decreasing the size of the active field.
falling blocks in a way that lines are completely filled. When a
line is completed it is removed, and more space is available in the
play area. When there is not enough space for blocks to fall, the
game is over.
the levels escaping ghosts in a maze. You lose a life when a ghost
eats you, but you can eat the ghosts for a few seconds when eating
an energizer. You win points when eating pills, energizers, and
bonus, and you win one life for each 10,000 points. When you have
eaten all the pills and energizers of a level, you go to the next
level, and the player and ghost speeds increase. The game ends when
you have lost all your lives.
author played as a child. A word is picked at random and displayed with
its letters in a messed order, with difficulty dependent on the chosen
level. You have an unlimited number of attempts, and scores are kept.
used in two different ways: Scoring a manual game where you play as
always and use Kajongg for the computation of scores and
for bookkeeping. Or you can use Kajongg to play against any combination
of other human players or computer players.
If you are looking for Mah Jongg solitaire, use the kmahjongg package.
window and a file list window for navigating easily through your image
file hierarchy.
- correct rendering of alpha-channel in images
- docked windows for a configurable layout
- full screen mode
- a thumbnail view
- background thumbnail generation
- center images in view
- zooming (including fit-to-window)
- support for IO slaves
- multi-selection support
- bookmarks
- image rotation and mirroring
- advanced keyboard navigation, Opera-like next / previous mouse navigation
and customizable mouse-wheel navigation
applications from within a nice KDE-integrated Worksheet Interface. It
offers assistant dialogs for common tasks and allows you to share your
worksheets with others.
invading various cities in a plane that is decreasing in
The goal of the game is to destroy all the buildings and
advance to the next level. Each level gets a harder by
increasing the speed of the plane and the height of the
the pattern of sounds and lights as long as you can! Press the start
game button to begin. Watch the computer and copy the pattern it makes.
Complete the sequence in the right order to win.
* Dolphin: The new kde4 file manager.
* kdialog: Allows to display menu boxes from shell scripts.
* KFind: File find utility (standalone and in Konqueror's file manager).
* Konqueror: The file manager and web browser you get easily used to.
where tracks are represented as files and, when copied from the
folder, are digitally extracted from the CD. This ensures a perfect
copy of the audio data.