- fixes an issue with Pure-FTPd and -current that was visable on sparc
where PAGE_SIZE is a non-constant.
Thank you very much to Frank Denis <j@pureftpd.org> for making a timely
release of Pure-FTPd so we could include this with our next release.
ddclient is a Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries for accounts
on many dynamic DNS services.
WWW: http://burry.ca:4141/ddclient/
MAINTAINER= Sam Smith <s@msmith.net>
- from maintainer, with lots of additional mods
+ respect CC/CFLAGS
+ clean up formatting
+ add $OpenBSD$ to patch
+ take over maintainership; no response in many, many weeks
neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library, with a C interface.
* High-level interface to HTTP and WebDAV methods (PUT, GET, HEAD etc)
* Low-level interface to HTTP request handling, to allow implementing new
methods easily.
* persistent connections
* RFC2617 basic and digest authentication (including auth-int, md5-sess)
* Proxy support (including basic/digest authentication)
* SSL/TLS support using OpenSSL (including client certificate support)
* Generic WebDAV 207 XML response handling mechanism
* XML parsing using the expat or libxml parsers
* Easy generation of error messages from 207 error responses
* WebDAV resource manipulation: MOVE, COPY, DELETE, MKCOL.
* WebDAV metadata support: set and remove properties, query any set of
* autoconf macros supplied for easily embedding neon directly inside an
application source tree.
WWW: http://www.webdev.org/neon/