I botched the library search paths when merging OpenBSD.cpp, repair
that. Also always add -L${LOCALBASE}/lib like was done before.
Looks like I committed an old diff which lacked SHARED_LIBS+=OptRemarks.
While here, force-disable Z3 support from math/z3.
Most patch merges inspired from patrick's work on base-clang. Consumer
ports fixed/marked BROKEN as discussed with bcallah@ and rsadowski@.
powerpc tests and PLIST fixes from cwen@, thanks! rust-1.36 tests by
The clang-tools-extra package contains helpful developer tools using
Clang's APIs.
Initial diff from me, further work by jca@ with feedback from sthen@.
OK jca@ and @sthen
All the work done by Brad except for some fixes from base by mortimer@
and patrick@
Tests: amd64 Brad, jsg@ and me, i386: Brad, mips64: visa@, sparc64 me.
No tests on powerpc but a test build with only the PowerPC backend
packages on amd64.
build with ports-gcc which isn't yet in shape to build LLDB.
tests and tweaks from various people including jca@, landry@,
Charlene Wendling, and probably others -- ok jca@
This seems to be the way almost all Linux distributions and BSDs ship
LLVM and is what Mesa expects. There are concerns this may cause issues
if ports start linking it, hopefully this won't happen as everything
links libLLVM-X.Y.so where X.Y is the branch version which will have the
same ABI throughout X.Y.Z releases. The rust port explicitly links
statically even if shared libLLVM is available.
Patch cmake files in a similiar way to a patch in NetBSD pkgsrc to
correct symbols not getting added to the shared library on OpenBSD.
Use the documented cmake var for RTTI while here.
ok brad (MAINTAINER) sthen@ bcallah@
ports GCC and link to libestdc++.
Currently, this still breaks mail/mozilla-thunderbird, which will be taken care
of shortly.
feedback/testing from jsg landry mmcc semarie aja naddy (hope I didn't forget
ok landry robert
C++11 codebase.
This brings in a number of improvements over 3.4 including..
X86 assembler with 16-bit support
Much improved SPARC backend
stack protector strong support
ok sthen@
- add a comment referring to packager notes
- garbage-collect symlink which is no longer necessary and inclusion
of bsd.own.mk that was previously used to check the version of
the system compiler
tested by jeremy@ and myself
an odd filename which doesn't get correctly identified by pkg tools,
and isn't really useful to provide in the package anyway
- cnst@ points out this is actually a post-2.4 snapshot, change the
PKGNAME accordingly
of interest in the static analyser and it basically works, so put
it in now and link to the build later.
Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) is:
- A compilation strategy designed to enable effective program
optimization across the entire lifetime of a program.
- A virtual instruction set.
- A compiler infrastructure.
- LLVM does not imply things that you would expect from a high-level
virtual machine. It does not require garbage collection or run-time
code generation.
some parts from chl@ and the FreeBSD port.