Shared Color Profiles contain ICC profiles from different vendors that
are all free, either public domain, CC-BY-SA or CC-BY-ND.
These include an Adobe RGB compatible and sRGB compatible, as well as
various user or manufacturer supplied profiles.
ok jasper@ (on a previous diff)
colord is a system activated daemon that makes it easy to manage,
install and generate color profiles to accurately color manage input and
output devices.
ok jasper@ (on a previous diff)
to pick up a version number; this used to say "exported" when no .svn dir is
present, now it says "unversioned directory", the build infrastructure
can't handle the whitespace). it's useless anyway so just blank this out.
result is the same as the case where svn isn't installed, so not bothering
to bump.
problem reported by espie@ naddy@
Mandelbulber is an easy-to-use, handy, but experimental application
designed to help you render 3D Mandelbrot fractals such as Mandelbulb,
Mandelbox, Bulbbox, Juliabulb, and Menger Sponge.
ok jasper@
(from FreeBSD)
exiftran is a command line utility to transform digital image jpeg
images. It can do lossless rotations like jpegtran, but unlike jpegtran
it cares about the EXIF data: it can rotate images automatically by
checking the exif orientation tag, it updates the exif informaton if
needed (image dimension, orientation), it also rotates the exif
thumbnail. It can process multiple images at once.
requested by jsg@
ok jasper@