by the gtk2-clearlooks-engine package (we depends on gtk-engines2 which
depends on gtk2-clearlooks-engine)
- remove conflict with gtk2-clearlooks-engine
ok jasper@
- add missing icon goos
- regen WANTLIB and set GPL version marker
original conflict removal idea from Stefan Sperling
Douglas Santos (maintainer) agrees with the change
ok jasper@
XOSD displays text on your screen, sounds simple right? The difference
is it is unmanaged and shaped, so it appears transparent. This gives
the effect of an On Screen Display, like your TV/VCR etc.
looks good to/feedback from jasper@
* patch-plugins_mouse_gsd-mouse-manager_c is from upstream SVN: fix crash
with X servers that don't provide XInput
* patch-gnome-settings-daemon_gnome-settings-module_c: disable loading of
the keyboard plugin under VNC-like displays
"commit it" jasper@
install an identical copy of the 6x12 font named "bold" (i.e. to prevent
a synthetic bold font being generated). everyone I talked to hates this,
and would like it if 6x12 bold was distinct from 6x12 normal, even if
it's a little blocky, so change ALL_TARGET from pcf to n12, and regen
the PLIST, this reinstates the expected behaviour.
The GNOME-DB project aims to provide a free unified data access
architecture to the GNOME project. GNOME-DB is useful for any
application that accesses persistent data (not only databases, but
data), since it now contains a pretty good data management API.
Mergeant is a front-end for database administrators and database
application developers.
It can use all the data providers that are configured for libgda
(mysql, postgredql, sqlite, bdb, openldap, etc).
feedback and ok ajacoutot@
- remove configure option that doesn't do anything
- regen PLIST
hint from simon@ some time ago about private functions of sqlite3
feedback and ok ajacoutot@
* use audio(4) instead of ossaudio(3) in kdemultimedia3 as much as
* sync WANTLIB in dependant ports
testing/prodding from todd@. briefly discussed with naddy@, ajacoutot@
and jasper@
it can be enabled easily for who needs it.
We do this because even when one does not have any key under ~/.ssh/ the
agent fires up asking for a password which is quite annoying!
ok jasper@
The DejaVu fonts are a font family based on the Bitstream Vera fonts.
Their purpose is to provide a wider range of characters while
maintaining the original look and feel.
The DejaVu fonts family contains the following styles.
-- Sans: Book, Bold, Oblique, Bold Oblique, Condensed, Condensed
Bold, Condensed Oblique and Condensed Bold Oblique
-- Serif: Book, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Condensed, Condensed Bold,
Condensed Italic and Condensed Bold Italic
-- Mono: Book, Bold, Oblique, Bold Oblique