TightVNC is an enhanced version of VNC, which is optimized to work over
slow network connections such as low-speed modem links. While original
VNC may be very slow when your connection is not fast enough, with
TightVNC you can work remotely almost in real time in most environments.
Besides bandwidth optimizations, TightVNC also includes many other
improvements, optimizations and bugfixes over VNC. Note that TightVNC is
free, cross-platform and compatible with the standard VNC.
WWW: http://www.tightvnc.org/
Submitted by Rob Casey <rob@minauros.com>
* Changes in zebra-0.92a
* Changes in bgpd
** Fix "^$" community list bug.
** Below command's Address Family specific configurations are added
soft-reconfiguration inbound
* Changes in zebra
** Treat kernel type routes as EGP routes.
is moved over.
New to 1.8.1
* SNMP Alerts
* IDMEF XML output
* Limited wildcard regex support
* New normalization mode for http_decode
* many bug fixes
OpenBSD port changes:
FLAVOR=snmp now works
vtysh now works
Also, OpenBD specific fixes not listed below include a patch to correctly
get all interfaces from the kernel.
Changelog from e-mail:
* Changes in zebra-0.92
** Overall security is improved. Default umask is 0077.
* Changes in ripd
** If output interface is in simple password authentication mode,
substruct one from rtemax.
* Changes in bgpd
** IPv4 multicast and IPv6 unicast configuration is changed to so
called new config. All of AFI and SAFI specific configuration is
moved to "address-family" node. When you have many IPv6 only
configuration, you will see many "no neighbor X:X::X:X activate" line
in your configuration to disable IPv4 unicast NLRI exchange. In that
case please use "no bgp default ipv4-unicast" command to suppress the
output. Until zebra-0.93, old config is still left for compatibility.
Old config
router bgp 7675
bgp router-id
redistribute connected
neighbor remote-as 7675
ipv6 bgp network 3ffe:506::/33
ipv6 bgp network 3ffe:1800:e800::/40
ipv6 bgp aggregate-address 3ffe:506::/32
ipv6 bgp redistribute connected
ipv6 bgp neighbor 3ffe:506:1000::2 remote-as 1
New config
router bgp 7675
bgp router-id
redistribute connected
neighbor remote-as 7675
neighbor 3ffe:506:1000::2 remote-as 1
no neighbor 3ffe:506:1000::2 activate
address-family ipv6
network 3ffe:506::/33
network 3ffe:1800:e800::/40
aggregate-address 3ffe:506::/32
redistribute connected
neighbor 3ffe:506:1000::2 activate
* Changes in ospfd
** Internal interface treatment is changed. Now ospfd can handle
multiple IP address for an interface.
** Redistribution of loopback interface's address works fine.