Bitstrings can be constructed from integers (big and little endian), hex,
octal, binary, strings or files. They can be sliced, joined, reversed,
inserted into, overwritten, etc. with simple functions or slice notation.
They can also be read from, searched and replaced, and navigated in,
similar to a file or stream.
Feedback and OK jasper
ANA is a project to provide easy distributed data storage for stuff. It
provides every object with a UUID and, when pickled, will first
serialize the object's state to a central location and then "pickle" the
object into just its UUID. This is really handy when you have to
distribute objects in some distributed system, and you'd rather not
pickle the whole object every time you need to send it.
feedback and ok kn@
the transport of arbitrarily encoded data payload sequences with minimal
framing overhead -- just four bytes per data frame. Frame Streams does
not specify an encoding format for data frames and can be used with any
data serialization format that produces byte sequences, such as Protocol
Buffers, XML, JSON, MessagePack, YAML, etc.
ok and help sthen@
QEMU's configure script cannot cope with modern Python, but unicorn does.
Pass python2 to QEMU in both cases, otherwise unicorn behaves like any
other flavored python port.
"go ahead" jasper
We won't be distributing CDROM anymore, so simplify to
In particular, the new variables are shorter, so this makes
for better cosmetic sense in ports.
The "current" version allows for the old variables to die out
peacefully, at our leasure, and then I'll remove the old stubs.
As discussed with sthen@, various people agree, and deraadt@
is okay with the strategic change.
This does survive a bulk.
PLEASE NOTE: built packages require current pkg* tools.
In particular, the current version deals with
@comment pkgpath=* ftp=*
just fine, but the old one WILL COMPLAIN about missing cdrom info.
register-plist also doesn't care, adding/removing cdrom info
is a no-op for it. There is NO BUMP needed for the conversion.
For now, sqlports STILL carries the old variables. I'll deal
with their removal later.