Problem reported and tests from giovann@ and Jean Gerard
(jg at
finally OK giovanni@
same applies to the just updated SOPE, where I hit the go button
just too fast ;)
minor SHLIB bump
introduce SOGOLIBDIR variable to be used in PLIST, update hint from README:
Upgrade SOGo from < 1.3.16
New password schemes were introduced. You may want to set the
userPasswordAlgorithm default, i.e.:
$ defaults write sogod userPasswordAlgorithm ssha
People upgrading from 1.3.4 or earlier need a new configuration default called
OCSSessionsFolderURL. See the packages README for more details.
OK jasper@, sthen@
SOGo is a groupware server built around (OGo) and the
SOPE application server, with a focus on scalability. It provides the
usual groupware functionality as E-Mail, Calendaring, and Contacts
Not yet linking it to the build, fixing last few things in the tree.
OK landry@, sthen@