- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/25.0/releasenotes/
- fixes MFSA 2013-93 -> 102
- remove USE_GROFF (from naddy@)
- remove LDEP on gst-plugins-base, gst is dlopened at runtime now, and
there's a RDEP on gst-plugins-good anyway.
- add patch from #927898 to fix gst runtime dlopening (reminded by dcoppa@)
- add comment about ipc patches from #927810 & #909005
- remove 3 useless patches
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/24.0/releasenotes/
- fixes MFSA 2013-76 -> 92
- remove BROKEN-sparc64, it now works thanks the awesome work of
martin@netbsd.org in bugs #871101 & #871555 among others i forgot
- add sparc64 & alpha (insane!) to MODGCC4_ARCHS
- remove patch-gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp, was merged upstream in
#722975 (and we dont build with system cairo anyway now)
- remove useless patch-parser_html_Makefile_in, maybe it made sense in
the gcc 3 / ffx 3.6 days but those are over...
(note: a spellchecker issue since fx 23 is known, and might be fixed
later on)
- use getdents(2) now that we have it; previously OpenBSD was special-cased
to use getdirentries(2) instead.
- interim fix: declare getdents() to allow firefox/seamonkey to build on
-current until consensus has been reached on return types/adding to system
discussed with landry@, clues from guenther@.
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/22.0/releasenotes/ (ok,
webrtc isnt enabled yet by default on *BSD but we're working on it :)
- fixes MFSA 2013-49->62
- remove all patches related to sydneyaudio which got removed upstream,
sound uses libcubeb which has a native sndio backend since ages (thx
to ratchov!). also remove related post-patch target while here.
- add temporary workaround (TERM=xterm) for bug #878089
- switch i386 to use clang again, using --disable-debug-symbols to make
the code smaller (who said 'gross hack' ?)
- update patch-gfx_thebes_gfxPlatform_cpp to match what got commited
upstream in r52b02042b27f
- remove patch-js_src_vm_SPSProfiler_cpp which unbroke powerpc, finally
got commited in 22 branch
- rework fx-i18n's MESSAGE to be more in line with reality (discussed
with Marcus Merighi)
- See http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/21.0/releasenotes/
- Fixes MFSA 2013-41->48
- switch back again to use gcc 4.6 on i386, ld hits the memory exhausted
wall again with objects built with clang. doh.
- stuff shuffled around in PLIST
Firefox 21 starts implementing something called 'Firefox Health Report',
which sends _anonymized_ data to mozilla servers about Firefox
This is opt-out - users will be prompted at first start if they want to
keep it enabled. This is not turned as an opt-in knob in the port on
purpose, because i got no feedback on this, and that will allow upstream
to know they have some OpenBSD users. This is of course subject to change.
See https://blog.mozilla.org/futurereleases/2013/05/14/firefox-heal-thyself/
& about:healthreport for more info about this.
- See http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/20.0/releasenotes/
- Fixes MFSA 2013-30->40
- switch back to use clang on i386, now that llvm got fixed there
- backport libffi i386 fix (TODO: switch to systemwide libffi if possible)
- add nicer fix to avoid installing the sdk lib/headers
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/19.0/releasenotes/
- fixes MFSA 2013-21->28
- provides a builtin pdf viewer (pdf.js)
- remove patch-toolkit_system_gnome_nsGIOService_cpp (#805202), firefox
now properly links with gio instead of dlopening it
- remove patch-toolkit_xre_nsXREDirProvider_cpp and
patch-xpcom_io_nsAppFileLocationProvider_cpp, merged upstream (#803955)
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/18.0/releasenotes/
- fixes MFSA 2013-14 -> 20
- build with clang on i386/amd64 and with gcc 4.6 on powerpc. Required
since upstream dropped support for gcc < 4.4.
- don't build against systemwide jpeg anymore since it now needs its
internal libjpeg-turbo.
- add a stub method to sydney_audio_sndio.c in post-patch. Cant add it
to the file in cvs directly otherwise it breaks other mozillas
- remove patch-ipc_chromium_src_base_atomicops_h, not needed anymore
ok sthen@
- Fixes bug #814101 - Font Issue
- Reverted user agent change (was bug #588909) causing some website
incompatibilities, see #815743
- Readd the --with-system-jpeg locally (to remove in 18), and remove all the
configure_env/args/build_depends stuff that moved to moz.port.mk.
- add @pkgpath/@conflict markers to update www/firefox35 users to the
latest and greatest !
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/17.0/releasenotes/ for details
- enable the gio/libnotify interaction, since it brings no additional
dep. libnotify will be dlopened at runtime if present, and gio is
already in the dependency chain. The latter will interact with the gio mime
database for file associations, and firefox will ask the user if he
wants to register it as the default http:// handler. The former will
show a notify popup upon download completion, among others.
- add build depends on yasm in i386/amd64 for webm
- remove patch-browser_app_profile_firefox_js, the updater is already disabled
- remove gstreamer patches from #776838, #777696 & #747257, merged upstream
- remove ipc_message_utils.h patch from #775428, commited upstream
- remove mozalloc.cpp patch, <sys/types.h> is already included above
- remove xpcshell hang patchset from #706955, cant reproduce anymore
- remove patch-security_manager_ssl_src_Makefile_in, unneeded
- remove OS.File extra logging from #785200, merged upstream
- add patch-toolkit_system_gnome_nsGIOService_cpp, workaround for
#805202 (libgio-2.0.so dlopening), to be removed in fx 19
- remove xpcom arm patch from #783875, merged upstream
ok sthen@
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/16.0/releasenotes/ for details
- install an icon into share/pixmaps to fix desktop file icon path
- garbage collect patch-browser_installer_Makefile_in, and
patch-browser_installer_package-manifest_in, were from upstream
- remove patch-build_unix_mozilla_in, useless since bin/firefox is not a
script anymore since a while
- remove patch-build_unix_run-mozilla_sh, firefox can be directly
debugged in gdb now. update README accordingly
- remove patch-config_autoconf_mk_in, XCFLAGS are already passed
- update patch-content_media_gstreamer_nsGStreamerReader_cpp to fix
gstreamer on BE archs (#777696)
- update patch-extensions_spellcheck_hunspell_src_mozHunspell_cpp after
nsILocalFile api removal
- remove useless patch-gfx_thebes_Makefile_in pangox patch
- fix PLIST to use proper MOZILLA_VERSION instead of beta MOZILLA_VER
- remove useless patch to gfx/thebes/Makefile.in adding -lpangox-1.0 to
EXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS, this was maybe useful before ffx 3.0, but mozilla
stopped using pangox between 2.0 and 3.0. See for the last traces of
pangox.h use : https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=528941. See
also bugs #323671/#338446
- backport the patch from #528941 to remove useless pangox.h inclusion
from www/firefox35.
- remove the RUN_DEPENDS on pangox-compat
- bump all corresponding REVISIONS
- while here, make sure all moz ports depend on latest nspr 4.9.2 since
it'll be a requirement for upcoming gecko 16 releases
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/15.0/releasenotes/
- add -Os hack to fix a relocation error when linking on ppc (as was
done in tb since 10..)
- garbage collect nsSound.cpp, the original one uses libcanberra
properly and thus sndio.
- remove patch from #750620, merged upstream (mfbt/double-conversion)
- remove patches from #747257, merged upstream (gstreamer fix)
- remove patches from #691898, merged upstream (yarr jit ppc)
- see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/14.0.1/releasenotes/
- enable H.264 video support through gstreamer. Mention that one needs to
manually install gstreamer-ffmpeg. Not all videos/sites will work.
- backport cset from #776838 & #747257 for various gst fixes.
- backport cset from #750620 to fix ppc (and other exotic archs) build.
- backport cset from #752895 to fix packaging issues.
- remove patch-content_xslt_src_base_txDouble_cpp, useless since mozilla
switched to mfbt/double-conversion.
- remove nss opening hack in Sync, it works fine without it.
- remove the -rpath hack, not needed since matthew's ld.so fix from 12/06